TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes

TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes 2.7.2

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What does the "Extend the Quote tag to make it wysiwyg" option do? I turned it on, thinking it would make
When you create or edit a message with the RTE editor, the quotes are more visible. There's not any more the Bb Code [quote]...[/quote] wrapping the quote. See the screenshots of this update.
Don't know what to do with Github.
The Github files structure are the same than the one in your server, so you can edit your files the same way ; or you can download the all archive like you would here (ref) by clicking on "Download ZIP". I'm waiting for a TinyMCE update, but the dev took a break, so if you're in a rush, you should do this small file edit.
cclaerhout updated TinyMCE Quattro and its wysiwyg bbcodes with a new update entry:

Version 2.5.3 released

Version 2.5.3 released
It seems the next official update of TinyMCE takes time, so I'm going to publish here the current version of this addon available on Github. Here's what's new:
  • a PHP workaround has been found for the TinyMCE #7378 bug
    Blank lines in list are now kept
  • Session check added to prevent bugs with other addons that prevent access to the session
  • Options have been refactored (only...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Cédric,
Where to define width of embeded iframe for bbcode gview :
can't see any option in BBManager for Gview.
You're not in the correct thread. For your question, go to the options "[Bb Codes & Buttons Manager] Advanced Bb Codes".
Updated the plugin. Seemed to work, but just today I found this in the error log:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Sedo_TinyQuattro_Helper_Quattro' not found - library/Sedo/TinyQuattro/Listener/Templates/Preloader.php:18
Generated By: Unknown Account, Monday at 12:41 PM
Updated the plugin. Seemed to work, but just today I found this in the error log:

ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Sedo_TinyQuattro_Helper_Quattro' not found - library/Sedo/TinyQuattro/Listener/Templates/Preloader.php:18
Generated By: Unknown Account, Monday at 12:41 PM
Ignore this unless you see it several times. If you see it several times, just reupload files.
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I want to disable this editor for mobile devices and use the XF's default editor instead. (TinyMCE editor doesn't load on some mobile browsers it seems)

I checked the 'Disable on mobile devices?' option but that doesn't seem to be working. Anything else I need to do?
I want to disable this editor for mobile devices and use the XF's default editor instead. (TinyMCE editor doesn't load on some mobile browsers it seems)

I checked the 'Disable on mobile devices?' option but that doesn't seem to be working. Anything else I need to do?
I will check this next week ; no time this weekend. It might depend if you have customed a custom Editor for mobile devices with the Bbm.
Is there a 'Media Gallery Embed' option in the new version? I can't find it. It's there in XF's default editor. Will it be available soon?
Is there a 'Media Gallery Embed' option in the new version? I can't find it. It's there in XF's default editor. Will it be available soon?
No, to be honest I haven't noticed it until now. I will have to update first the bbm by the way. For the integration of that button, I will look at it, but that's not my priority at the moment.
No no, only the product id, but honestly I don't have time now, so I will contact you later. If you have a dev board, that would be easier.

I do have a dev sandbox. I'll PM you the admin details? You can check it out whenever you get the time.
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