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Just noticed my "Project looks promising" comment reads as being a bit condescending, that certainly wasn't my intention.
I didn't take it like this ^^

I'm not sure why it was failing. All caches cleared, etc. Same behaviour in the iPad Simulator and Chrome Mac (Dev + Canary). It must be something on our end.
Did you test with another browser? If you've got time, try to register to my website and test if you've got the same problem with the editor. I only have an Ipad & Ipod Touch but so far it's working.
Yep, it's working fine on your forum in Chrome Canary. Must be something we've changed that's conflicting with it.

cclaerhout updated TinyMCE Fix with a new update entry:

Version 0.5 released

Version 0.5 released
  • Fast overlay popup for all XenForo buttons except the color picker
To update: use Chris Auto Installer or upload files and import product

This option has been included in that addon and not the TinyMCE Enhancements because this fix addon was already modifying a XenForo TinyMCE Javascript file.

If you consider to use that addon and this fast overlay option, I'm...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Cédric has fixed the dreaded Xenforo/TinyMCE iFrame overlays, AKA "the slow link box things" that someone on your forum has probably questioned or complained about. They're now just as fast as any other jQuery dialog.

IMO, anyone using and benefitting from these improvements/bug-fixes should be donating ASAP. :)
anyone else has issues with "Activate fast popup overlay?" Tried on Chrome and after adding a link, followed by a CR, it creates a strange linebreak each time:
disabling the option fixes the linebreak
Thanks for the update!

In looking at the options for TinyMCE on mobile devices, can I do this by making that template edit or do I have to have another add-on installed too? Does this mean that it will automatically work on mobile devices or would I need to install your mobile browser detection add-on?
Thanks for the update!

In looking at the options for TinyMCE on mobile devices, can I do this by making that template edit or do I have to have another add-on installed too? Does this mean that it will automatically work on mobile devices or would I need to install your mobile browser detection add-on?
  • It's not a template edit, it's a file edit
  • As written in the options the mobile browser detection addon-on will help to detect if the mobile device is a tablet or not
  • It's not a template edit, it's a file edit
  • As written in the options the mobile browser detection addon-on will help to detect if the mobile device is a tablet or not

Sorry for the misleading response. I have tabs with around 13 templates open at the moment.... one track mind :)
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