Threadstarter Ribbon

Threadstarter Ribbon 2013-08-27

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The following seems to work where you would put your own nodeID for the forums you want it to show in.

body.node10 .messageUserInfo .helper  {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: -4px;
  left: -4px;
  background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/icons/starter.png") no-repeat  transparent;
  height: 56px;
  width: 56px;


So say you wanted to have it displaying in node10, 15 & 18 AKA forum x,y,z then the code for that would be as follows

body.node10 .messageUserInfo .helper, body.node15 .messageUserInfo .helper, body.node18 .messageUserInfo .helper {
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: -4px;
  left: -4px;
  background: url("@imagePath/xenforo/icons/starter.png") no-repeat  transparent;
  height: 56px;
  width: 56px;


I really appreciate this! My last request, is there any way to change "starter" to "Author"?
I install it, but the problem in every post ribbon add to evry user!
and i need for right side pls, and with another color.
Here's my fix :)
<xen:if is="{$post.user_id} == {$thread.user_id} AND !{$message.conversation_id}"><span class="helper"></span></xen:if>
Been trying to add this and it wont apply. Not sure why, i put all the stuff where it goes but wont display. Any ideas?
if you add .thread_view in front of the classes so it looks like so it should then only appear in the message areas and not PC

.thread_view .messageUserInfo .helper
It's correct ? :
.thread_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo .helper {display:none;}

Because with xenFracture style, the ribbon show always in conversations, do you have an idea ?
It's correct ? :
.thread_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo .helper {display:none;}

Because with xenFracture style, the ribbon show always in conversations, do you have an idea ?

.conversation_view .quickReply .messageUserInfo .helper {display:none;}
It worked for me a while back so unsure what is going on there. I haven't got this installed either so I can't test it for you but the css should have worked.
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