Fixed "Threads with your posts" not imported


Active member
does anybody know how the "Threads with your posts" work under the hood ? (in which table(s) is this info stored ?) The importer did not bring over this info and I am looking for workarounds to get the information manually over from the old VB database.

Anybody got some experience with that ?

Thanks !
I see data in the table "xf_thread_user_post". In my test-forum I have 152 entries for my userid. So they are in fact imported, but it looks like not 100% correctly.

If I do a new post to an old thread, that record get added to the table ending up in 153 records. If navigate to "Threads with your posts" I only get the new single record ???

The thread-id's in xf_thread_user_post were messed up by the importer.

I have about 200k threads, so highest ID 195xxx, also in xf_thread. The imported entries start with IDs in the range 800k ...

Can one rebuild xf_thread_user_post somehow ?

You can rebuild threads under Tools > Rebuild caches in the Admin CP.

You’ll need to check the box to rebuild position and thread counters.
Hi Chris,
I did try this on my test-site and now things show up. What worries me is, that the records with the high, invalid thread-ids are still left in the DB and may lead to issues along the way.

Would it be safe to truncate the table "xf_thread_user_post" before the rebuild ? (even with users acitivley posting ...)

Looks like we were importing the post ID into xf_thread_user_post table rather than the thread ID. Sorted now thanks for letting us know.
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