I'd like to show the latest X posts on an non-xenforo php page (my homepage). This is on the same server / website.
With VBulletin, I queried the database directly, and cached the result for 10 minutes. This worked well.
I could replicate my old setup with something like this:
However I see reference to "XenForo_Application" That make me wonder if some things like the caching may be built in already:
These posts are 13 years old, so it's possible the tables referenced would not still be correct. What is the best way to do this with 2.2, and does the above post still apply?
Thanks everyone!
With VBulletin, I queried the database directly, and cached the result for 10 minutes. This worked well.
I could replicate my old setup with something like this:
Latest posts on your website
Here is a quick and simple way to get a list of the latest posts on your website :) NOTE: This is not meant to be inside xenforo nor has it been designed in anyway to be used like that, it's for a quick last post block/latest news section on your actual website. You will need this brilliant...
However I see reference to "XenForo_Application" That make me wonder if some things like the caching may be built in already:
Latest posts on your website
or, maybe buildPublicLink:('full:threads (haven't tested this, so it's only maybe:P )
These posts are 13 years old, so it's possible the tables referenced would not still be correct. What is the best way to do this with 2.2, and does the above post still apply?
Thanks everyone!