Thread Filter by AddonsLab

Thread Filter by AddonsLab [Paid] 3.9.2

No permission to buy ($69.99)
Thanks, I'll try to ask my user about it for the url he ended up having. Will report to you in a pm about it, if I have any news.
AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Facet search fix for Elasticsearch back-end

The release fixes a bug with a Facet search showing the wrong number of matching results. The issue was related to Elasticsearch optimization considering only the top results, so the options that had fewer matching items would be shown as having no documents. The issue does not affect you if you are using MySQL as a search index or you are not using the Facet search option.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

New option - Number Formatting Exclusion List

In some cases number type fields are used for data that does not require number formatting (e.g. if the custom field represents years, it should not be shown as "2.020" but "2020". We have added an option that allows admins to list the IDs of such custom fields, and they will not be formatted in the output.

The release also fixes a bug, that would log a PHP error in some cases if the option "Total count indicator is active".

Important Note: If you are using several of our Filter...

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I got this error after upgrading to the latest version

TypeError: Argument 3 passed to AL\FilterFramework\Service\ContextProvider::applyCategoryFilters() must be an instance of XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity or null, array given, called in /home/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php on line 162 in src/addons/AL/FilterFramework/Service/ContextProvider.php at line 473

AL\FilterFramework\Service\ContextProvider->applyCategoryFilters() in src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 162
AL\ThreadFilter\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum->applyForumFilters() in src/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 209
XF\Pub\Controller\Forum->actionForum() in src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 88
AL\ThreadFilter\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum->actionForum() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 350
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 261
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 113
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 55
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2184
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 391
XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20
I got this error after upgrading to the latest version

TypeError: Argument 3 passed to AL\FilterFramework\Service\ContextProvider::applyCategoryFilters() must be an instance of XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity or null, array given, called in /home/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php on line 162 in src/addons/AL/FilterFramework/Service/ContextProvider.php at line 473

AL\FilterFramework\Service\ContextProvider->applyCategoryFilters() in src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 162
AL\ThreadFilter\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum->applyForumFilters() in src/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 209
XF\Pub\Controller\Forum->actionForum() in src/addons/AL/ThreadFilter/XF/Pub/Controller/Forum.php at line 88
AL\ThreadFilter\XF\Pub\Controller\Forum->actionForum() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 350
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 261
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 113
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php at line 55
XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src/XF/App.php at line 2184
XF\App->run() in src/XF.php at line 391
XF::runApp() in index.php at line 20

Same here! Help @AddonsLab !
AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Bug-fix: PHP errors due to outdated files in the last version

The release fixes an accidental issue in the last version including older files that caused different PHP errors. Please apply the version asap if you have installed the version 3.1.0.

The version also adds a missing phrase - altf_thread_field.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Thank you!

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

PHP error fix: "Unsupported operand types".

Text: The update fixes the error logged in the Server Error - "Unsupported operand types". The error would accure in cases of a forum not having configured any filterable custom fields.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Thank you!

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Bug-fix: JavaScript errors due to outdated files in the version 3.1.0

The release fixes an accidental issue in version 3.1.0 including older files that caused JavaScript errors in the filter form. Please apply the version asap if you have installed the version 3.1.0. or above.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Thank you!

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Hello, how can I do custom field like this:

Opera Снимок

For example, I need 2 custom fields in 1 line. First field is "text fields" and second field is "drop down selection". In the thread look like this:

Hello, how can I do custom field like this:

View attachment 223843

For example, I need 2 custom fields in 1 line. First field is "text fields" and second field is "drop down selection". In the thread look like this:

View attachment 223846

The location filter is a specially developed custom field, that allows choosing the distance and the unit. I am afraid there is no built-in XenForo custom field type that supports a similar format for other types of information. Before filtering the information, it should actually be developed as a custom field (e.g. when a user creates a thread, they should be able to set the price and choose the unit), and it is something out of Thread Filter add-on's scope itself, as we only filter the data that is already created by users using XenForo custom fields.

Thank you!
AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Country/State/City-based search support

The version adds support for address-based filtering if you are using our Location custom field add-on. A new option is available on Add/Edit Custom field pages, to choose if filtering by this field should show range-based search options (the ZIP code/address in combination with the range in km or miles), or selection lists with available country/state/city options to choose from. The option has any effect only if you are using any of our Filter add-ons.

The new version is available for all...

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Bug-fix: Missing phrases in filterable selection lists

The release fixes a bug with the phrases used in filterable select always being in English, particularly the phrase "No results found". Now XenForo phrases will be used instead of hard-coded values.

The new version is available for all licensed customers at

Thank you!

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AddonsLab updated Thread Filter by AddonsLab with a new update entry:

Stability and performance optimizations, Elasticsearch 7.x support

This version implements stability fixes mostly targeting the Auto reload feature. Due to dynamic changes in the form in the process of updating page data based on latest filter criteria, there could be cases when JavaScript-powered fields (e.g. filterable selects, date fields) would in an invalid state (e.g. the popup opens but its parent element is removed from the page due to automatic reload and the popup remains on the page). The only way we could find to prevent such issues was to...

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I'm not sure why we're getting them, as far as I know we're running the current version of each. I even tried rebuilding/reinstalling RMS Filter and Thread Filter with the replace files boxes checked.

I'm not sure why we're getting them, as far as I know we're running the current version of each. I even tried rebuilding/reinstalling RMS Filter and Thread Filter with the replace files boxes checked.

View attachment 225975

The files in question have exactly the same hashes in the zip packages downloaded, so there should not be such issues. We have installed the updated versions of all filter add-ons on our demo board and there are no warnings shown that mention filter files.

Please run file verification again, maybe it has been run after you installed one add-on but before the other one. If you still see the error, it could be explained by upgrade process not overwriting the files as expected. Please upgrade and again and make sure the checkbox "Overwrite files" is checked. This will force overwriting the content of the files even if their hash in the file hashes.json was not updated. If the issue persists, there should be an issue with updating the files, maybe some of the files are not writable.

Thank you!
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