This addon fills an important gap in forums, as nowadays a forum can only survive if you have content. And for that you need to save the content (information) in a suitable way and specially make the access of finding the information easy as possible (in this case custom thread fields and their filters). This addon is very useful to create and maintain content, as you can turn your forum threads into a directory/database/classifieds/library etc. The developer of this product is very open to suggestions and enhancements from the beginning and is actively implementing new features to enhance the product. Also when the dev gives an estimated time to fix a problem, he keeps his promises (usually in 24 hours). Excellent support, very communicative, you can reach him every day. Also in my case he fixed a problem which is not a bug from this addon but more so the way XF is built, and still he provided a fix so people with thousands of field choices can use this addon. Thank you for this great product and support!