Not a bug The controller XenGallery_ControllerPublic_Media does not define an action called Comments.


Well-known member
On media entry view:

The following error occurred:
The controller XenGallery_ControllerPublic_Media does not define an action called Comments.

I have upgraded XMG to XFMG 1.0
These XFMG templates are outdated:
Slightly odd, unless you have merged that template already.

Can you search all your templates using Admin CP > Appearance > Search Templates for this:

data-loadurl="{xen:link xengallery/comments, $media

Does that appear in any templates?

Even if not, does the xengallery_media_view template appear to be modified in your current style (red) or in a parent style (orange)?

Also, can you verify that you actually have XenForo Media Gallery 1.0.0 installed rather than Xen Media Gallery 2.1.x? You're certainly using the XFMG files, but this could happen if the XML hasn't imported properly, yet.
The code was not present in any template.
I did another upgrade of the xml. This time directly uploading it into the addon installer. Now the error is gone.
Thanks for your swift support.
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