[TH] Node Numbers [Deleted]

Jon W

Well-known member
Waindigo submitted a new resource:

Node Numbers by Waindigo (version 1.0.0) - Prefixes the display order number in the Node Tree in the Admin Control Panel


Prefixes the display order number in the Node Tree in the Admin Control Panel.

This is useful for websites that have large numbers of nodes that need reordering as it shows all your display order numbers in one place.

  • Upload contents of upload folder to root directory, overwriting any existing files.
  • Install addon-Waindigo_NodeNumbers.xml file.

Distributed free for non-commercial use...

Read more about this resource...
Are there customers behind these add-ons or are you coming up with these ideas on your own? Either way, I appreciate it. Lots of good stuff.
Are there customers behind these add-ons or are you coming up with these ideas on your own? Either way, I appreciate it. Lots of good stuff.

I found it a real pain to have to keep opening a node to see its order number - change it or give a new node a number - see if it fits the order I want no sigh go back and change something - now something else is getting in the way ...

so I asked Jon and Dom to make this addon.
How do I remove this from my site?

It uninstalls fine but when I delete the files in the upload directory I get the following errors and my site is inaccessible. I have to re-upload the files to bring my site back online.

Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'Waindigo_Listener_Template' not found -library/Waindigo/Listener/TemplateHook/20130522.php:4
Generated By: Unknown Account, 3 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application::handleFatalError()
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(74) "http://www.marineaquariumsa.com/forums/id-needed.44/page-2?order=post_date"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["order"] => string(9) "post_date"
["_POST"] => array(0) {
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