[TH] Navigation Manager [Deleted]


Well-known member
Audentio Design submitted a new resource:

[AD] Navigation Manager - Add your own navigation links easily

  • Add your own Navigation links
  • Allow only certain usergroups to view navigation links
  • By default it hides the 'Forums' & 'Members' navigation items and adds the links with the navigation manager. This will cause some Add-on links to not display properly, however, you can either add them in yourself, or you can uncheck the options to remove the default links in the Navigation options, and remove the links from the nav manager.

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This add-on works with UI.X userbar, off canvas navigation, mega menu, all kinds of things. We developed it and anything we put on the market we back 100%.
We might have to consider this as this is a feature we've always wanted at our community and would certainly save a lot of troubles disabling hooks, hiding with CSS, etc. etc.
I will have to try that. Coupled with some articles addons to show the last articles released, it would be really nice inside the megamenu
Yeah, unfortunately though I don't think it's possible, or at least couldn't figure out a way to do it without potentially breaking things :(
Any chance to add nodes inside the navigation or to say something like "Okay, so this tab will display notification from this forum"? I made a new tab which is basically the link to the staff forums but there is no way to see new messages on this link. Nodes as Tabs would do the job but I don't want to use 2 addons for my navigation ^^"
Yeah, unfortunately though I don't think it's possible, or at least couldn't figure out a way to do it without potentially breaking things :(

A dev not longer on these forums had/have a navigation addon that let you do that. Alas, I am not using anything made by them anymore, even if I was paid to do so !
I don't mean to be dense, but can someone show me an example of a megamenu working with this add-on? Is there a good demo of one available?
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