[TH] Login As User [Deleted]

It worked for me without any issues. Are you guys using XF 1.1.5?

I had some issues with 1.2 due to my PHP. I don't know if it will help at all for you but try upgrading the PHP.
The update has fixed the issue, thanks.

Can you move the logout of user button so it's next to Logged in as button.

This saves time on waiting for the overlay to appear, especially when using a mobile device. Plus the overlay is only useful if you are going to be logging in as another user. No need to open an overlay just to logout of the user.

The update has fixed the issue, thanks.

Can you move the logout of user button so it's next to Logged in as button.

This saves time on waiting for the overlay to appear, especially when using a mobile device. Plus the overlay is only useful if you are going to be logging in as another user. No need to open an overlay just to logout of the user.

Replace the template waindigo_you_are_using_as_user_loginasuser with:
Rich (BB code):
<xen:require css="waindigo_loginasuser.css" />
<xen:if is="{$parentVisitor}">
    <a href="{xen:link login-as-user/choice}" class="loggedInAs OverlayTrigger">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
            <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_logged_in_as_x_loginasuser, 'name={$visitor.username}'}</span>
        <xen:else />
            <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_logged_in_as_a_guest_loginasuser}</span>
   <a href="{xen:link login-as-user, {$parentVisitor}, '_xfToken={$visitor.csrf_token_page}'}" class="OverlayTrigger" style="float:right;">
        <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_log_out_as_user_loginasuser}</span>
<xen:else />
    <a href="{xen:link login-as-user/choice}" class="OverlayTrigger">
        <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_login_as_user_loginasuser}</span>

Oh and why do the updates put the entire forum into upgrade mode? This interrupts users who are posting.
Rather interrupt a person posting for a few seconds than accidentally allow them to login as any user because of some security flaw in an old XML file that is exposed by updated PHP files or something like that. If you use an add-on installer, the time that the site is closed can be reduced to almost nothing:
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Replace the template waindigo_helper_login_as_user_form_loginasuser with:
Rich (BB code):
<xen:require css="waindigo_loginasuser.css" />
<xen:if is="{$parentVisitor}">
    <a href="{xen:link login-as-user/choice}" class="loggedInAs OverlayTrigger">
        <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}">
            <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_logged_in_as_x_loginasuser, 'name={$visitor.username}'}</span>
        <xen:else />
            <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_logged_in_as_a_guest_loginasuser}</span>
   <a href="{xen:link login-as-user, {$parentVisitor}, '_xfToken={$visitor.csrf_token_page}'}" class="OverlayTrigger" style="float:right;">
        <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_log_out_as_user_loginasuser}</span>
<xen:else />
    <a href="{xen:link login-as-user/choice}" class="OverlayTrigger">
        <span class="itemLabel">{xen:phrase waindigo_login_as_user_loginasuser}</span>

The overlay is not displaying correctly.
hello friend i m not logged in user id there have an error message i take permission all but not login
error message :
7-30-2013 8-30-59 AM.webp
hello friend i m not logged in user id there have an error message i take permission all but not login
error message :
View attachment 52541
Are you saying that you get that error and can't login as a different user?

I normally get this when I login to a user that doesn't have permission to view what I was previously looking at. For example: Lets say I am looking at a Staff Only board and I log in to a user that is not a staff member and therefore cannot see the Staff Only Board. In that case, the error you show is what I get.

Simply navigate to the forum list or something.
hello friend i m not logged in user id there have an error message i take permission all but not login
error message :
View attachment 52541
Are you selecting a user from the drop down or using the auto complete option? If auto complete and the name doesn't appear when you are typing, check which user groups you have selected in the options.

Otherwise try @xIsabel38's solution.
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