[TH] Custom Fields [Deleted]


I am using custom fields for thread and I have two dropdown list. I would like to fetch these values and show them on thread_list template. How can I achieve that?
How do I make it so a user can only make a post using custom fields provided? How do i make fields manditory to fillout?
Thanks for the reply. You mean this message?
  • Added new template waindigo_footer_node_customfields to allow custom fields to be displayed below the message content instead of above (just move the<xen:comment> tags).
Can you specify exactly which file is to be modified?
Find this template waindigo_footer_node_customfields and remove the comment tags.
Then find the waindigo_header_node_customfields template and put the comment tags there.
Find this template waindigo_footer_node_customfields and remove the comment tags.
Then find the waindigo_header_node_customfields template and put the comment tags there.
I have tried removing the <xen:comment> tag from waindigo_footer_node_customfields and added to waindigo_header_node_customfields.

But its still showing the same result as before. :(
I have tried removing the <xen:comment> tag from waindigo_footer_node_customfields and added to waindigo_header_node_customfields.

But its still showing the same result as before. :(
Just to be sure, did you also move the closing tag?
<xen:comment> and </xen:comment>
Just to be sure, did you also move the closing tag?
<xen:comment> and </xen:comment>

This is my waindigo_footer_node_customfields template now

<xen:if hascontent="true">
    <div class="pairsRows secondaryContent">
            <xen:foreach loop="$thread.customFields" key="$groupId" value="$groupCustomFields">
                <xen:foreach loop="$groupCustomFields.fields" key="$fieldId" value="$field">
                    <xen:include template="custom_field_view" />

And waindigo_header_node_customfields
    <xen:if hascontent="true">
        <div class="pairsRows secondaryContent">
                <xen:foreach loop="$thread.customFields" key="$groupId" value="$groupCustomFields">
                    <xen:foreach loop="$groupCustomFields.fields" key="$fieldId" value="$field">
                        <xen:include template="custom_field_view" />

UPDATE: I have commented both templates. Still the custom fields are showing up. :P
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Hmm, it should work. I don't know what might be the problem here. Maybe reinstalling and then commenting again?
But when I commented the both templates, it should not show up. right? But in this case, they are still showing !
In theory, yes. But ask Jon for help.
Maybe you apply it to the wrong style, if you have any styles than the default one.
For me it works. My Custom Thread Fields are shown on button of the first message, not on top.
I have one default style and a custom theme. I have tried clearing all contents of the waindigo_footer_node_customfields and waindigo_header_node_customfields of both default style and custom style. The dropdown custom field is still showing up. :(

@Jon W , Any suggestions for my problem ?
@Jon W I am trying to figure out a way I can somehow let users view all threads that have a specific custom field value. So say I have a dropdown field with 3 options. Apple, Sony, Samsung which is used in a node/forum on all threads... how would a user be able to view all threads using one of those values? Similar to eBay with some kind of filter. I know you can use search to search for all threads using a field value, but the problem is that it makes you type something into the search box.

Some sidebar widget that displays field options in some kind of tree layout would be really neat. But anything you could suggest would be great.
Anyway I can pay you to add the ability for certain usergroups to edit their custom fields by clicking the edit button. This isn't an option as of now unless you allow them the ability to edit specific xF built in thread options as well that we can't allow them to do.
I wasn't using this addon, so I uninstalled it. That wrecked the resource manager. So I reinstalled it, but now the resource prefixes won't show up. Why does this happen, and how to fix it??
I hope you have a SQL backup from bevor you have uninstalled this horrible add-on - then you can reimport only all resource tables to solve your problem.

I have yesterday deinstalled this add-on for ever (all other waindigo add-ons will follow) - and I also crash my resource manager tables and many error log entrys came up after. :censored:

This way, to reimport the old xenforo resource tables after deinstallation custom fields add-on, is the only way you can now do. Big thanks to waindigo for this add-on:sick:. :mad: (n)

PS. look at posts from 11 2014 in this thread - this problem is not new, but Don or Jon has do nothing to solve this!
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