XF 2.1 Conditional Statements - Are words, spam phrases, custom fields possible?


Well-known member
Hi all,

I *think * this is the right area, (if not I apologise and please move it accordingly).

Just finished reading all up about Xenforo Conditional Statements, as I want to do a specific antispam measure.

I'm not even sure if there is a syntax available for what I'm trying to achieve.

IDEA: Utilising either Spam Phrases, specific words in a post, or a custom field, in combination with Conditional Statements to create an action (HIDE/MODERATE).

INTENTION: The intention would be a Conditional Statement / Syntax which says:

If user belongs to these groups (%usergroups%);
and posts in these forums (%forumnodes%) ;
and posts this spam phrase / word / custom field (%spamphrase% / %words% / %customfield%)
then moderate/hide content (moderate/hide).

and posts in "GUESTFORUM"
and posts spam phrase "HTTP", "URL='" OR word "*http", or fills in Custom Field "WebsiteURL"
then send post to MODERATE/REPORT/HIDE.

What I want picked up and removed/moderated, is effectively anyone using GUESTFORUM to post links (be it spam, or porn by being a troll). Most bots/spammers may fill in a custom field, and could have their post hidden/sent to moderation that way.

Why not just use built in antispam measures? I could, however I'll have users joining with 0 posts, and posting news articles or valid links, and I don't want to be continually moderating and approving their posts. I only want Guests posts (which are restricted to one node), to be impacted by this rule.

Cheers to any of you champions out there who can give me an idea on this one.

Primary focus is sending a message "don't bother trying to post links until you are a registered member".
I get what you're trying to do, and this might not be the most ideal solution, but this could work: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xenmax-limit-post-link.5980/

Set the guest group to require a large number of posts before they can post links. Put it to a really absurd number. You can also use this for a base group so if spammer break through, it prevents them from spamming. Make it so they have reach 5, 10, or 20 posts first and promoted to a higher group.

EDIT: just tested, you can set it to 0 links too
Thanks Dragonfruit! You might just be on a winner there :)

Ideally i was trying to code it to cut down on "another" addon, but that might just work.
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