Lack of interest Can Spam Phrases be applied to profile fields please?

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Well-known member
It would be great to be applied to all fields (custom and core), spammers often use these fields beyond the Website field, even entering websites in text-only fields. These red flags often go unmitigated. Applying Spam Phrases could be one more tool in the spam toolbox. Thanks
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Use case: Overnight, spammers filled up the registrations, entering the phrase "Mostly porn" in one of my text fields. This could easily be detected with Spam Phrases.
Currently, in protected function accountDetailsSaveProcess(\XF\Entity\User $visitor), you only spam check the "About" field.

I'd like to make a case for also running spam checks on the "Website" field, as every 2 days or so I run a query to check for users with potential spam (excluding customers and known good users) and find 3-6 spam links in there.

Due to the risk of false positives I concede it could be slightly more complex than just copying the "About" spam check code. If it was possible for users to be placed into the Approval Queue if the spam checker believed it was a spam link, that would be perfect. That way, legit users could be allowed through, and spam users could be deleted via the spam cleaner.
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