Teamspeak Integration

Teamspeak Integration 1.3.8 Alpha

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This update does not help. The error persists.
ErrorException: Object of class Teamspeak_ControllerAdmin_Users could not be converted to string - library\Teamspeak\Helper\Query.php:33
Сгенерирована пользователем: Di Tar, 4 мин. назад

#0 E:\XenForo\library\Teamspeak\Helper\Query.php(33): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(4096, 'Object of class...', 'E:\XenForo\libr...', 33, Array)
#1 E:\XenForo\library\XenForo\Controller.php(1067): Teamspeak_Helper_Query->__construct(Object(Teamspeak_ControllerAdmin_Users))
#2 E:\XenForo\library\Teamspeak\ControllerAdmin\Users.php(107): XenForo_Controller->getHelper('Teamspeak_Helpe...')
#3 E:\XenForo\library\XenForo\FrontController.php(337): Teamspeak_ControllerAdmin_Users->actionDelete()
#4 E:\XenForo\library\XenForo\FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#5 E:\XenForo\admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#6 {main}

array(3) {
["url"] => string(177) "http://*****************/admin.php?teamspeak/users/%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C.36/delete"
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["teamspeak/users/Тестовый-пользователь_36/delete"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(0) {
Hey Silence loving your work. so much more involved in getting this right then I first expected it would ever be.

I was wondering it would be possible to send a message on any new post or even thread (maybe an option for either) to the team speak users. I Know you have an option for an alert (which I haven't got working quite yet). Would be willing to donate $20 for this feature

Also might be worth adding a you tube clip explaining to people how to set it up and show the features off
Hey Silence loving your work. so much more involved in getting this right then I first expected it would ever be.

I was wondering it would be possible to send a message on any new post or even thread (maybe an option for either) to the team speak users. I Know you have an option for an alert (which I haven't got working quite yet). Would be willing to donate $20 for this feature

Also might be worth adding a you tube clip explaining to people how to set it up and show the features off
If the user is subscribed to the thread, it would send an alert. I don't think it would be feasible otherwise D:
You can make statistics visit the server? That is, the user, the date and time of entry, date and time to the duration - with the ability to retrieve information both on the user and by date. With a choice of time of storage and export of these statistics in a table format in html. This is for the administrator.

+ Display information to the user on the respective page profile of his visits to the teamspeak server.
I'm sorry for any errors, took google tranlate.
You can make statistics visit the server? That is, the user, the date and time of entry, date and time to the duration - with the ability to retrieve information both on the user and by date. With a choice of time of storage and export of these statistics in a table format in html. This is for the administrator.

+ Display information to the user on the respective page profile of his visits to the teamspeak server.
I'm sorry for any errors, took google tranlate.
That's gunna be the next release (faster releases upon donations :3) and it's almost done. I'm running into issues with efficiency but I think I figured out a way to keep it light on server resources :D
Hi, after adding user IDs have to resave each application for privileges and add to the group teamspeak server. Is this a bug or a feature? Can do what task to automatically apply?
Hi, after adding user IDs have to resave each application for privileges and add to the group teamspeak server. Is this a bug or a feature? Can do what task to automatically apply?
Yeah it's a known bug, I haven't looked into it yet but I will later this week!

I noticed when creating bugs promotions to automatically change the user group! it does not change even with teamspeak on the update of cron ..

It looks like it takes into account the main group and not the secondary ... It's pretty random: s

Anyway, a big thank you for the add-on!

I noticed when creating bugs promotions to automatically change the user group! it does not change even with teamspeak on the update of cron ..

It looks like it takes into account the main group and not the secondary ... It's pretty random: s

Anyway, a big thank you for the add-on!
It's the otherway around. It takes into account the secondary group and not the main group. I will attempt to fix this :|
Wow quick response lol :p

This is nice! unfortunately we profiteers on the forum, I would like to create a promotion based on the ratio of messages by creating groups:

Teamspeak On (Id server ts 10 (Talk on))
Teamspeak Off (ts server id: 11 (talk off))

That's why I want it to work: p

a big thank you: =)
Wow quick response lol :p

This is nice! unfortunately we profiteers on the forum, I would like to create a promotion based on the ratio of messages by creating groups:

Teamspeak On (Id server ts 10 (Talk on))
Teamspeak Off (ts server id: 11 (talk off))

That's why I want it to work: p

a big thank you: =)
Ah gotcha. So basically when a usergroup is promoted, they should be promoted on teamspeak as well?
Yes, When the user the ratio of correct message, it is Automatically Promoted to the designated group. so once he no longer Has the quota he returned to the other group and thus loses the right

I use google translate I'm french :)
Yes, When the user the ratio of correct message, it is Automatically Promoted to the designated group. so once he no longer Has the quota he returned to the other group and thus loses the right

I use google translate I'm french :)
It's fine I'm just making sure :)
I'm currently recoding the entire database (it's pretty horrible at the moment...) so it may take me a bit to push out a new update!
Hello, I have entered my server information. Should I use the numeral ip or can I also use an IP like
Either works. Next version will have user statistics and allows people to connect via that url, so if you want them to be using the domain version when connecting and/or when they bookmark, I would probably use that :P
I am having troubles settings this up. I entered both my numeral and domain IP but nothing works, I even setup the query user correctly but nothing. When I go to the teamspeak tab in admincp and hit 'Server Viewer' it says Administrator has not setup teamspeak
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