Not a bug Tapping on any page always yields 1st page


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Affected version
On my iPad, tapping on any page in thread view always yields 1st page of a thread.

iOS 9.3.5
Safari (latest version allowed with iOS 9)

Screen Shot 2018-01-07 at 7.36.00 AM.webp
I don't think there's inherently a bug here. Admittedly these are a little awkward to touch accurately with your finger (we do hide them on narrower screens), but in my testing with iOS 9 it is possible to touch them. Unfortunately if you miss, it will activate our "touch proxy" system, which is where you can tap on any where within the thread list item and it will proxy that tap through to the thread title link, which will therefore navigate to the first page of the thread.

I suspect the only problem here is you "missed" the page number.

It does make me wonder if we should just start hiding them on touch devices entirely, but that potentially hides them to users who use hybrid devices with both touch and traditional inputs.
Could it not be made so that clicking in that area on a touch device opens an overlay with an easier to navigate page selection?
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