Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

Through what avenue did you request it? Email to?
Would you share the content of your request. I'd like to do the same.

I requested it several times. Via ticket (prior to unpublishing my forums from Tapatalk) as well as by email.

This was the last communication I sent them via email:

Screen Shot 2016-09-28 at 7.03.21 PM.webp
I've had a lot of user request us installing tapatalk. Users seem to love it because you can keep track of all the forums they use in one spot.
I've had a lot of user request us installing tapatalk. Users seem to love it because you can keep track of all the forums they use in one spot.
... and TT aggregating all you content into one ecosystem driving your userbase to other sites and controlling and constraining the 'worth' of your content and engagement, all the while inserting a major security risk potential into your site.
... and TT aggregating all you content into one ecosystem driving your userbase to other sites and controlling and constraining the 'worth' of your content and engagement, all the while inserting a major security risk potential into your site.

Tapatalk must own thousands of forums.

They have assimilated everything. I don't even know the name of the forums I visited.
They were assimilating my forum for god knows how long before they even announced they started assimilating forums. They're a disgusting company.
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