Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

I dont use third party forum apps because the bottleneck is the add-on support. Having a board that is pushed to the limits with add-ons it would be very challenging to have a native XF app I guess, but with the impression of how smooth add-ons run within XF Environment I could imagine that the minds behind XF could come up with a unique solution for this.
We already knew they did not handle feedback and just locked threads but the fact they just removed the resource without even pitching in to our concerns just says it all and should make it known to be avoided.

As I said and have many others, we need to get a dedicated XenForo application even in testing pushed out. I might check how the @Slavik (I think he was getting one developed?) thing was going and see if he is still taking donations to help fund it.

Unfortunately many forum owners had an unrealistic expectation on costing this, or expecting it for free.

Simply put, unless people would be willing to pay a monthly fee as well as an upfront purchase cost, it isn't a sustainable model.
Unfortunately many forum owners had an unrealistic expectation on costing this, or expecting it for free.

Simply put, unless people would be willing to pay a monthly fee as well as an upfront purchase cost, it isn't a sustainable model.

Maybe try and start a crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo, or whatever suits you the best, and see how it goes?
Make two models: Admin account with monthly fee to have app support for the forum and an end user app to buy. And yes, start with crowdfunding campaign. I am more than happy to support great products becoming even greater.
Unfortunately many forum owners had an unrealistic expectation on costing this, or expecting it for free.

Simply put, unless people would be willing to pay a monthly fee as well as an upfront purchase cost, it isn't a sustainable model.

Why not go with Tapatalks model, they had an option to buy a dedicated version you can brand on your forum or purchase the app to cover the monthly costs or a monthly cost to allow x users or something? I'm not sure how to handle that but I'm sure you get the idea.

As for initial cost, I know it will be in the region of probably $10,000+ ? so crowd funding would be a good option. As long as it was done by a reliable developer who WILL fix bugs I cannot see an issue with that.
It looks like they just removed the resource link from here to their site. I don't doubt that they will continue to develop their XF addon, not doing so would just be dumb. Their own "support" (complaint) forum is Xenforo. Why would they not continue to develop the addon that is used on their own forum.

As for the resource listing on here, they probably just removed it because they don't care about updating the resource whenever they come out with a new version. They just update it on their site and send out an e-mail to all their site admins. Meaning, they're lazy and don't care about this site. Fine with me, people who know about it know where to find it, unless they are google-impaired. People who are looking for a mobile app will eventually find it.

While I'm still a tapatalk user, the scale is tipping for me against keeping this plugin on my forums...esp with the PixelExit XenBase update that has a quick nav menu
Resource Removed from Xenforo.com | Tapatalk - Community Chat & Support

Some people are questioning if you are going to continue supporting xenforo.

Erm... o_O YES we are! :D

People have all kinds of issues and the solution is to close the door?

My understanding is it would channel support better through the centralised and official Tapatalk Communication channels; Where we already apply the majority of our support resources.

Our resources are not infinite; In order to better assist you, a centralised mechanism allows faster escalation and improved response.

It is an administrative / logistical challenge to be involved in BETA Groups, E-Mail, GitHub, Tapatalk Forums, Support Tickets and then ALSO forum specific and provided support boards.[\quote]
I've taken it off 5 of my seven forums. The last two have a very large number of Tapatalk users, and I feel like I am held hostage to Tapatalk because of this. I've blocked new registrations, and natural attrition will eventually reduce the percentage using Tapatalk enough to pull the plug.
Day two without TT, and there has been no complains at all - and that's quite surprising since almost half of our active members used it. But then again, we wrote them a long email about the reasons behind the decision before it was axed.
On the one hand I'm happy for admins to be liberated from Tapatalk after all the security concerns and lack of communication here on XF. On the other hand I feel bad that we have to provide a generally worse user experience to mobile users because of this.

I'm guessing the majority of Tapatalk users will argue that the native app experience is much more responsive and fluid than using the responsive we app. I'm inclined to agree, there should definitely be a native app interface at this point.

However what is it that has brought tapatalk to this point? The point where they are so incredibly invasive with their tactics to monetise your forum in order to scrape back a few pennies to pay their developers.

Are they being greedy?
Or are they just trying to survive?
Do they have completely the wrong business model?

Should they simply be charging admins (and/or users) more for the privilege of using a premium, fluid, native interface instead of pushing all these sneaky revenue raising tactics out with each update?

Perhaps @Slavik has some insight after his research in developing a whole new app.

All I know is that both admins and users are losing out with this current model, yet both desire the app. There must be some kind of compromise. Someone, somewhere along the line, whether it's the admin or the user, has to start forking out some money for this premium feature.
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