Tapatalk Forum App for xenForo - iOS / Android / Windows Phone Mobile App [Deleted]

It does remove the welcoming screen. It doesn't remove the smart banner. It's literal. There is no matter of perspective. There is no option to disable the smart banner. There is an option to disable the Mobile Welcome Screen.

What you should do, instead of offering a faux fix, is suggest that when the Mobile Welcome Screen is enabled, the smart banner should not show.

That would be a fix.
Actually, what I have recommended is they offer a setting to disable both. ;)

I classify their "welcome banner" as a welcome screen as well, because it too brings your site out of view (making it look semi transparent), in favor of bringing in view the notice to use and download TapaTalk.

The only true difference is the background coloring and one has a logo, the other does not.

I guess for arguments sake, I could call it a "patch" and not a fix, if you want to be more technical.
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If you see it as that. I encourage my users to sign up for either my BYO apps or Tapatalk. People are more likely to spend more time on Mobile Apps than they are when browsing via Mobile Web. I would rather my mobile members be a part of my BYO apps or Tapatalk.

A good study: http://www.flurry.com/bid/109749/Ap...Years-into-the-Mobile-Revolution#.U6DywI1dUoZ

Despite what many might claim with responsive design, I find my mobile users are more productive within Tapatalk than outside of it.
@BamaStangGuy With the younger generation, yes, mobile apps are something no one can ignore. As you have pointed out, there have been a lot of studies, and in truth the next generation is really app dependent.

My big issue with TapaTalk though as a valuable alternative is their "bugs" seem more like a conflict of interest... ie... The random "ads" even when people have disabled that feature. The random redirects to other forums, when ideally you want them on yours.

^ All of which has been documented on their support forums.

And of course the dependency that seems to vary between version on their remote servers. So if they have site issues, you "appear" to also be having site issues... ie... Slower.

Should an actual and practical alternative (as well as dependable) alternative come into development... I'll be more than happy to have that app advertise itself on my site. As I would believe so would many other people here.

In the mean time... I'll support it, but I don't exactly want to encourage it. I don't want them to become the "universal standard" and acceptable norm. Which I fear they're sadly approaching.
I suppose it is simple for me. If I didn't like something about Tapatalk and I had to go on forums and post "patches" then I simply wouldn't use it. Else it might seem like I was trying to have my cake and eat it to.

I think Tapatalk has had a rocky start to their journey but I also have personally seen great effort to try to fix that myself. I think the latest update is pretty great along with the new blog they have to try to engage with people.

Time will always tell :)
I suppose it is simple for me. If I didn't like something about Tapatalk and I had to go on forums and post "patches" then I simply wouldn't use it. Else it might seem like I was trying to have my cake and eat it to.

I think Tapatalk has had a rocky start to their journey but I also have personally seen great effort to try to fix that myself. I think the latest update is pretty great along with the new blog they have to try to engage with people.

Time will always tell :)
Sometimes as an administrator, you have to compromise and "give in" to things you may not always like or agree with. So in that, yes, have my cake and eat it too. It's a must sometimes.

You'd be one of the very few who seem to be enjoying TapaTalk. I know people who paid for their BYO (bring your own) app and are still having all the issues I have quoted earlier.
Sometimes as an administrator, you have to compromise and "give in" to things you may not always like or agree with. So in that, yes, have my cake and eat it too. It's a must sometimes.

You'd be one of the very few who seem to be enjoying TapaTalk and at my peak at 6 licenses. I know people who paid for their BYO (bring your own) app and are still having all the issues I have quoted earlier.

I've been a BYO owner for a year and a half. Had issues and had them resolved. I only have one outstanding issue that I wish to be resolved with BYO currently and it has to deal with their in app signatures.
I've been a BYO owner for a year and a half. Had issues and had them resolved. I only have one outstanding issue that I wish to be resolved with BYO currently and it has to deal with their in app signatures.
You've been one of the lucky few.

If you search their forum, there is someone who is using a stock install. The only add-on on their whole site is TapaTalk. Issues left and right.

They seem to be "random" like that.
You've been one of the lucky few.

If you search their forum, there is someone who is using a stock install. The only add-on on their whole site is TapaTalk. Issues left and right.

They seem to be "random" like that.

Feel free to link me to it and I will see what I can do to fix it. I have 11 sites with Tapatalk installed and all are working fine. With plenty of add-ons piled in.
@Tracy Perry you browse and post often on https://support.tapatalk.com

Did you by chance see the conclusion to the thread as was titled, "TapaTalk BYO is a Scam" ?

@BamaStangGuy wants to speak with the forum owner, but I can't exactly find that thread. I suspect they removed it.

Wouldn't remember the site would you?
I am over there infrequently... and after 07/01/14 won't be having to go there at all since i'm removing Tapatalk from all 6 of the forums on that date.
I've gotten fed up with their "It'll be fixed in the next update" routine and it never being fixed. It's a pity because myBB doesn't have a native responsive setup so it will effect those forums more than the XenForo ones.
I am over there infrequently... and after 07/01/14 won't be having to go there at all since i'm removing Tapatalk from all 6 of the forums on that date.
I've gotten fed up with their "It'll be fixed in the next update" routine and it never being fixed. It's a pity because myBB doesn't have a native responsive setup so it will effect those forums more than the XenForo ones.

What hasn't been fixed that is an actual bug and not just something you don't want to happen? The latest 2.1.0 release solved a lot of outstanding issues and it has been running smoothly for me since upgrading all my sites.

I can't speak for MyBB though as I have never used Tapatalk and MyBB.
I currently still stay with 1.9.0 version, won't change it, tapatalk is not a native app, it is a mobile wrapper, much slower than forumrunner, I have them both installed on my forum
I currently still stay with 1.9.0 version, won't change it, tapatalk is not a native app, it is a mobile wrapper, much slower than forumrunner, I have them both installed on my forum
I think you hit the nail on the head concerning many of it's issues... It's not a native app, it's more of a wrapper.

Although I was under the assumption so was, forumrunner. Which I wouldn't recommend since they have not had any updates in 1 year, 4 months (Released March 1st, 2013 for XenForo 1.0 / 1.1.x).
I think you hit the nail on the head concerning many of it's issues... It's not a native app, it's more of a wrapper.

Although I was under the assumption so was, forumrunner. Which I wouldn't recommend since they have not had any updates in 1 year, 4 months (Released March 1st, 2013 for XenForo 1.0 / 1.1.x).
i know, but it is still working on 1.3.2, very nice on ipad
I think you hit the nail on the head concerning many of it's issues... It's not a native app, it's more of a wrapper.

Although I was under the assumption so was, forumrunner. Which I wouldn't recommend since they have not had any updates in 1 year, 4 months (Released March 1st, 2013 for XenForo 1.0 / 1.1.x).

What do you think a native app is?
What do you think a native app is?
in my understanding, let us see first few line of tapatalk, mobique.php

this line is actually define the orginal URL of your forum
define('FORUM_ROOT', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])).'/');

so if tapatalk install on xenforo.com, that will be

this is a url for mobile broswer

2) in forumrunner, you ll see, those functions directly call xenforo library functions, but because forumrunner doesn't need to load xenforo.js, all kinds css file, that is why forumrunner is lighting fast on a poor 2g mobile phone
What hasn't been fixed that is an actual bug and not just something you don't want to happen? The latest 2.1.0 release solved a lot of outstanding issues and it has been running smoothly for me since upgrading all my sites.

I can't speak for MyBB though as I have never used Tapatalk and MyBB.
Two threads - same problem. First reported in April then again in June. A new version had been released in the mean time.
First report was when using OLS, second is under nginx/php5-fpm.
To see them you actually have to examine your HTTP server logs and php5-fpm logs.

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BamaStangGuy said:
... do consulting work for them for which I am reimbursed for my time (just a few hours a week). They asked me to do this after meeting with them in Los Angeles and talking to them about concerns I have (and many other forum owners have expressed) and I agreed, as I am already on admin sites 24/7 basically.

On top of giving them my feedback on better communicating with forum owners, I see each new feature before its released now and give them feedback from a forum owners perspective on how it might impact us. The blog was my idea as a way to help improve communication and I have stressed that emails to forum owners over key changes and new features is important.

So if you have a problem or a question you can ask me.
Thank you for your honest answer.

I appreciate your honesty @[B]BamaStangGuy[/B] and congratulations on your part-time employment as their public relations consultant.

Source: https://theadminzone.com/threads/ta...a-for-bulk-mailings.116462/page-3#post-830340
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