TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

Hello, at first I wanna thanks for this nice mod, good job.(y)
After I install it everything work fine, but I have little problem, each time when i want use bbcode (each one, b, i, s, smile, etc.) I have doubled bbcode, can anybody help? Thanks all.

I really wish we could get some type of smillie management on this add on. Displaying them all just does not work if you have the different categories when doing normal posting on the forum itself.
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Hello, at first I wanna thanks for this nice mod, good job.(y)
After I install it everything work fine, but I have little problem, each time when i want use bbcode (each one, b, i, s, smile, etc.) I have doubled bbcode, can anybody help? Thanks all.

View attachment 76506
View attachment 76507

Can you PM me admin CP details? I've not seen this bug before

I really wish we could get some type of smillie management on this add on. Displaying them all just does not work if you have the different categories when doing normal posting on the forum itself.

I'm currently planning on integrating the new XF smiley selector, so categories will work as they do on posts

Over the Last Few Months My ChatBox has disappeared. Any Suggestions?

If you PM me admin CP details I'd be happy to check the cause of that for you
Is there anyway I can stop users on my forum to not see/post on the chatbox unless they have say 20 posts? I had this option on vB and it would be handy as I own a trading forum and there are a lot of trolls who sign up and spam.
Can you PM me admin CP details? I've not seen this bug before

I'm currently planning on integrating the new XF smiley selector, so categories will work as they do on posts

If you PM me admin CP details I'd be happy to check the cause of that for you

Details Sent. Thank you
Is there anyway I can stop users on my forum to not see/post on the chatbox unless they have say 20 posts? I had this option on vB and it would be handy as I own a trading forum and there are a lot of trolls who sign up and spam.

Yep you can restrict shoutbox access to a certain user group and use the built in promotions system in xenforo to add people to that group when they reach x posts
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How can I make the message text input box STAY at a specified width, like 200 or 250px?

<input id="taigachat_message" class="textCtrl" type="text" maxlength="400" placeholder="ENTER TEXT" style="width: 583px;">

I can't figure out what is defining that
style="width: 583px;"

I have tried setting the width in a few different places and while some seem to work, as soon as I move the browser around, the input width goes right back to 583px.
How can I make the message text input box STAY at a specified width, like 200 or 250px?

<input id="taigachat_message" class="textCtrl" type="text" maxlength="400" placeholder="ENTER TEXT" style="width: 583px;">

I can't figure out what is defining that
style="width: 583px;"

I have tried setting the width in a few different places and while some seem to work, as soon as I move the browser around, the input width goes right back to 583px.

If you set it with !important in the CSS it will override the style property
It's impossible for guests to set a name right? Just a minor gripe. It often causes confusion though when a guest types and you have no idea who it is coming from. That's my only problem with the chatbox currently.

I know that guests can set a name when posting a topic (if the permissions are set correctly), so I wonder if this is a possibility (feasible thing to do). Maybe when they type a message, it will give a prompt for "setting user name or display name". If you are unable to implement it into the add-on, would you accept a payment for a custom add-on/extension?
How can I make it so the arrow before messages (so you can edit or ban people from shoutbox)
shows on the shoutbox when you display on forumhome?
I know I messaged you but maybe another user can help out.
I uploaded to root and when I try to install it says that the files can not be found.
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