TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

@Luke Foreman - there appears to be an issue with the Members in Chat widget included with the chat?

It shows members in chat who are no longer there, i.e. they have closed down the window. It can show members still in there (including myself) for hours afterwards. Is there a reason / setting that would be causing this? Thanks

EDIT: Sorry the site is www.vampirecounts.net
@Luke Foreman - there appears to be an issue with the Members in Chat widget included with the chat?

It shows members in chat who are no longer there, i.e. they have closed down the window. It can show members still in there (including myself) for hours afterwards. Is there a reason / setting that would be causing this? Thanks

EDIT: Sorry the site is www.vampirecounts.net

There is a bug with the dark_taigachat_fake hook that could be causing this - are you using that hook?
Erm....I'll be honest I have no idea!

If you can instruct me where to check I am more than happy to have a look.

For info, installed, option to use the /chat option, open up in new page (so it is used like a special chatroom rather than shoutbox). Widget framework installed, selected to use the Members in Chat renderer.
Erm....I'll be honest I have no idea!

If you can instruct me where to check I am more than happy to have a look.

For info, installed, option to use the /chat option, open up in new page (so it is used like a special chatroom rather than shoutbox). Widget framework installed, selected to use the Members in Chat renderer.

Does the issue disappear if you remove the members in chat widget from your homepage?
When you say homepage, do you mean the forum index?

Currently it shows on forum_list, forum_view, thread_view

You would probably need to remove it from all of them to see a result

I've found another possible cause of this which would be more applicable to your situation, will fix both for the next update
I'm still not sure what benefit there would be to user tagging, as an alert isn't realistic with chat messages being ephemeral

It would have the exact same effect as just saying someone's name, but with a profile link
@Luke Foreman - you would be correct if the chat box was active. Ours is not- we clearly ask that discussions be left in the forums. Our "shout box" is not very active but a member may shout out to another member in the chat box for what ever reason. OR- some new members are confused and post their question in the chat box and it would be nice to @ that member in the chat box area to alert them to post in the forums or even direct them to the proper forum. It wouldn't hurt the add on. :)
I'm still not sure what benefit there would be to user tagging, as an alert isn't realistic with chat messages being ephemeral

It would have the exact same effect as just saying someone's name, but with a profile link
A benefit would be as a way of grabbing that user's attention. EG: If a chat is going on and they want to bring in a user who isn't already in the chat then being able to tag them would get their attention.
As Luke mentions, the content of the shoutbox isn't persistent. The notification received when a user is tagged typically includes a hyperlink to some content. If that content isn't persistent, then that link quickly becomes useless. Are people suggesting to do away with the link? If so, then the notification becomes even more useless since you're annoying a user without providing them any context.

Now, take a moment to think about "why" you'd want to tag someone in the first place. It's because they're not there at that particular point in time. They may have a good reason for not being there, and probably cannot attend the shoutbox the very moment you decide to tag them. But let's say that 8 hours later they do have some time. What then? For a busy forum, chances are that the shoutbox has long moved on.

The end result is just added annoyance to end users in a culture of notification overload. If you really, really must get someone's attention, why not PM them? OK, it's not as convenient as user tagging, but at least with a PM you can give them the courtesy of letting them know why their attention is needed, rather than leaving the guess work to the confused user back-tracking in a shoutbox without any context.
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