[TAC] Stop Country Spam

[TAC] Stop Country Spam [Paid] 3.1.5

No permission to buy ($19.00)
tenants updated StopCountrySpam with a new update entry:

StopCountrySpam - v1.0.8 To log or not to log, that is the option

To log or not to log, that is the option

When you look at the logs, sometimes you get a big list of the same culprite attempting to register. This update alows you to :
1. Not have to log events (at all)
2. Not log events if the same username has alread been logged by this plugin
3. Not log events if the same email address has alread been logged by this plugin
4. Not log events if the same IP address has alread been logged by this plugin

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yes, use the white list option

From wiki:
A whitelist is a list or register of entities that, for one reason or another, are being provided a particular privilege
A blacklist (or black list) is a list or register of entities who, for one reason or another, are being denied a particular privilege

From me:
So, if you want to stop everyone from registering except the UK (for example).. the you could either:
1) Just select the UK and select the white list options
2) Select everyone apart from the UK and select the black list option

What the white list option really does extra.. is that if an IP address (for what ever reason) can not be identified with a country code, then they wont be let through the registration
However, this could be regarded as a negative side of the white list (some legitimate people might not be able to register with this option).

It is safer (for legitimate users) to use the black list option

The white list option is there to make it easier to prevent registration from everyone (except a few), and also be "strict" about the registration (unknowns cant register)
The black list option is there to make it easier to prevent registration from a few countries, and also less be "strict" about the registration (unknowns can register)
I'm blocking everybody not from America tonight woooo!!! If you're from another country you better register now while you can!
I just recently started getting attacks from ukraine, russian federation, poland, china, sweden, columbia... I registered and installed this addon. wish me luck!

EDIT: I have whitelisted United States ... lets see what happens now
There has been a surge of XRumer users recently due to the new version that is targeting QAs, see here:

Instead of your QA, I would recommend CustomImgCaptcha (which is free): http://xenforo.com/community/resources/customimgcaptcha-spam-combat.1161/
It can't be targeted, no 2 forums need use the same Custom Images ...
But many forums share QA's (and some CAPTCHA systems) with out even realising (and these are easy to log in the XRumer textcaptcha.txt file... images are not)

StopCountrySpam is better used at targeting human spammers that do not use always proxies, often bot users will use proxies
I am trying to block IP addresses from being able to regsiter.. they are still registering with no effect. I am now closing off registrations, facebook login is only way to gain access from this point forward.
How do I upload this? The folder title is StopCountrySpam_v1_0_10

Is that what I upload to the server?
Yes, they can get in though FaceBook, see here: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/facebookregcaptcha-spam-combat.1222/
Registering via the FaceBook route as a bot bypasses almost every thing (and as a bot user, you only need one fake FB account and you've made it very easy to bot millions of forums)

Are you using QA, or another CATPCHA if so... that is what is being targeted (they will not get though CustomImgCaptcha as mentioned)

Add CustomImgCaptcha and FaceBookregcaptcha... this will stop the bots getting in through the FB route if that is what you are seeing (it might be worth checking your logs to see how they are registering, see here:)

StopCountrySpam will only stop users that register via the registration page and do not use proxies (these will usually not be bots, but manual spammers)
Are you still using a QA that the bots can getting through though, if so.. at the very least change the QA to a very unique QA where the answer can't be Googled (othewise, they will still register via FB.. if that is how they are getting in)
I am trying to block IP addresses from being able to regsiter.. they are still registering with no effect. I am now closing off registrations, facebook login is only way to gain access from this point forward.

If you want to know how they are registering (what page / params they are visiting to register, check your access logs, see here:

Humans that go to the register page with the Blocked country IP address will not be able to register...
It might be that bots are still sending the params to the server even though the registration pages isn't available (this is what some bots will often do)
Or that they are indeed getting in through the FaceBook page

This plug-in stops the humans from registering, but if it is the case that these bots are sending the params, I can probably make a tweek to stop the bots that do this.
Okay, I've looked at this.

Some bots wont care that there is/is not a registration page available and will simply post directly to the actionRegistration function

This plug-in wasn't intended to prevent bots, but I can do an update to prevent these particular ones.

But please keep in mind, many bot users will use proxies (and seem as if they come from other countries), this plug-in was really intended to stop human spammers that do not use proxies.

...however, update coming within the next few hours.
tenants updated StopCountrySpam: Spam Combat with a new update entry:


  • Made sure the Zip folder was correctly nested
  • Some bots register by passing params directly to the action register function (so they don't care that the registration page does not exist fpr them) ... although this plug-in is not intended to directly to stop bots (since many will use proxies), the country check has now also be applied to the actionRegister...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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