[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot

[TAC] Fool Bot Honey Pot [Paid] 3.0.32

No permission to buy ($29.00)
Fatal error: Call to undefined method XFCP_Tac_FoolBotHoneyPot_ControllerPublic_Register::_getRegistrationDataFromInput() in /var/www/vhosts/*****/httpdocs/library/Tac/FoolBotHoneyPot/ControllerPublic/Register.php on line 22 ...
In the Admin CP, when I click on Tools > FoolBotHoneyPot > Locked Out IPs, I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Tac_FoolBotHoneyPot_Model_BotCache::getEntries() in /<XenForo_path>/library/Tac/FoolBotHoneyPot/ControllerAdmin/Cache.php on line 31

The plugin seems to be fully functional, just not allowing me to look at locked out IPs.
Fatal error: Call to undefined method XFCP_Tac_FoolBotHoneyPot_ControllerPublic_Register::_getRegistrationDataFromInput() in /var/www/vhosts/*****/httpdocs/library/Tac/FoolBotHoneyPot/ControllerPublic/Register.php on line 22 ...


I have a similar error in my log files.

"Fatal Error: Call to undefined method XFCP_Tac_FoolBotHoneyPot_ControllerPublic_Register::_getRegistrationDataFromInput() - library/Tac/FoolBotHoneyPot/ControllerPublic/Register.php:22"

I just upgraded from XF1.31 to XF 1.4RC2 and alos to the newest FBHP version 2.405.

What can I do? It sees it was a real user that caused this error?

Is FBHP not compatible with XF1.4? It is a payed addon, so there must be a way to make it compatible for the programmer, right?
I just upgraded from XF1.31 to XF 1.4RC2 and alos to the newest FBHP version 2.405.
Is FBHP not compatible with XF1.4? It is a payed addon, so there must be a way to make it compatible for the programmer, right?
Notice a difference between those two colored XF revisions? A lot of the add-on authors will not update their code for release until the actual final release of XenForo 1.4 in case there are any add-on breaking changes made between one RC and another. They probably have them coded already and in test use in places - but I never expect any add-on to be updated whenever a BETA or an RC comes out. If it is, then I consider it like winning the lottery.
So what do you recommend then for me?

I have RC2 in a live site since it is so stable already and the final version only days away. But I do not trust yet the anti-spam stuff in the core. As far as it looks right now, FBHP is blocking any kind of registration of new real users...
@tenants said on the last page of this thread that...

FBHP is unlikely to be updated to support XF > 1.4, since there will be very little need for it if you configure the core honey pots

...although I think a few of us are hoping there will be a way to update it as this add-on is better than the core function in 1.4.
I can hardly believe that he stops adapting to the newest version. At the end of the day, it is a payed version and I expect therefore the longterm support of this addon. At least as long as there is a difference in the anti-spam results.

A developer always has to live with the risk that a similar feature will be offered sooner or later in the core. Or that another addon with similar features has more success. But you can not just take the money and say after a time good-by to the paying customer....
It works on the latest supported version of xenForo. Developers don't have to make their add-ons work on betas or RC's.
It works on the latest supported version of xenForo. Developers don't have to make their add-ons work on betas or RC's.

I understand this, but the final stable version of 1.4 is only days away. I am talking about this final version because you were afraid that this addon will not at all be further adapted to a future final version ;)
A developer always has to live with the risk that a similar feature will be offered sooner or later in the core. Or that another addon with similar features has more success. But you can not just take the money and say after a time good-by to the paying customer....
And a purchaser has to live with the risk that the features of the add-on will be offered sooner or later in the core and support (and need) for the add-on will cease.
And yes, you can. There reaches a point of diminishing returns. There have been a few add-ons that I purchased, one of which about 4 months after purchasing it, it was made useless by changes to the XenForo core. I liked the add-on way of doing things better, but the core won out.
When I have this addon enabled, I receive the error "The field '541cf2fdc02ae471a52acd5122d83289' was not recognised." when I fill any field of the form with this code randomized.
@MattW how has the core been going you since? Is this redundant with 1.4 or is 1.4 lacking aspects?
I don't know about Matt... but I know on my sites I averaged about 30-40 attempts a day (logged via the add-on logging utility) - and since I've removed it I haven't had any bots register - and I'm pretty sure that the attempts haven't gone down.
We finally jumped to 1.4 and 2 days later starting to get some spammers coming through. I caught them before they posted. With no log to go on like with FBHP not sure what to think. But they appeared consistent with the Pakistani spammers FBHP was keeping out.

Really sad we are going to have to go back to using anti spam method's other than a honeypot.
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