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[SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

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tenants submitted a new resource: [SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

Link / Business Directory

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1) EI Bug, filter drop down selector redirects incorrectly - can not reproduce
2) Infrequently it has been reported that hidden forums become unhidden with a fresh install of XenKingDir - Possible Fix v1.2.0.0

To Do list

1) Permissions (allow group options for submitting / claiming / viewing listings) -Done v1.2.0.0
2) Rate Directory listings
3) Like button for businesses (not just page)
4) Allow thread prefix << Done (
5) Make the review comments different to 1st comment
6) Allow ordering of directory listings: Alphabetical / ratings
7) Allow stickies
8) Prefixies to persist through out the directory
9) Include the prefix title in the page title & directory title
10) Image Uploader
11) Count mouse click on external links
tennats, I think I have a better way to describe what I was looking for. Can you have new listings show up on the main page? It be an option and choose how many to show.

I like that as an idea,
additionally a section for new listings (and a section for promoted listing) on the forum sidebar (above the tweets) ... all optional of course

I'm just looking at the best way to have "paid for" promoted listings.
Account upgrades are a bit limited << They're also not imported with templates.
I like that as an idea,
additionally a section for new listings (and a section for promoted listing) on the forum sidebar (above the tweets) ... all optional of course

I'm just looking at the best way to have "paid for" promoted listings.
Account upgrades are a bit limited << They're also not imported with templates.

Do it based on prefixes
A couple of things I left on the old support topic

Just having another play and I have a site with a logo that is 364x82. I expected it to reduce down to fit in the logo box at a reduced size but keeping its aspect ratio.
However, its scaled it as follows 364px × 82px (scaled to 222px × 200px). Needless to say it looks rather silly. Can this be adjusted please so that images keep their aspects?

And some font changes [SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)
A couple of things I left on the old support topic

Just having another play and I have a site with a logo that is 364x82. I expected it to reduce down to fit in the logo box at a reduced size but keeping its aspect ratio.
However, its scaled it as follows 364px × 82px (scaled to 222px × 200px). Needless to say it looks rather silly. Can this be adjusted please so that images keep their aspects?

And some font changes [SurreyForum] XenKingDir: Link / Business Directory (Directory)

Ah, it's deigned to stretch to fill the container, template sfdirectory_map_view:
height="200px" width="100%"

                                <span class="reviewimg">
                                    <img src="{$directorylisting.logo_image_url}" width="100%" height="200px" />
But just remove the height and width attributes and the image will maintain the size it was uploaded as.

                                <span class="reviewimg">
                                    <img src="{$directorylisting.logo_image_url}"  />

The font sizes are the same as the forum category now (keeping a consistent theme), but you can override these
template sfdirectory_index:

        <h3 class="nodeTitle" >
                                    <a href="{xen:link full:directory}{$category.url}">


        <h3 class="nodeTitle" style="font-size: 24px;">
                                    <a href="{xen:link full:directory}{$category.url}">
Do it based on prefixes
There are no workflow that I know off that allows me to do paid upgrades via prefixes

Forum owners will still need to create there own account upgrade, but I'm looking at ways to import this / insert these
tennats, I think I have a better way to describe what I was looking for. Can you have new listings show up on the main page? It be an option and choose how many to show.

added 1.1.7:

* New listing will now display on the main page (optional)
* There is now a right sidebar on directories / subdirectories (optional)
* These directory sidebars now display
- recent directory listings (optional and an option to limit the number 1 -20, default:5 )
- directory stats (optional)
- recent review comments (optional, and an option to limit the number 1 -20, default:5 )
added 1.1.7:

* New listing will now display on the main page (optional)
* There is now a right sidebar on directories / subdirectories (optional)
* These directory sidebars now display
- recent directory listings (optional and an option to limit the number 1 -20, default:5 )
- directory stats (optional)
- recent review comments (optional, and an option to limit the number 1 -20, default:5 )

I have an existing directory (Php-X-Links with almost 1,000 entries across 91 categories and subcategories) that I would like to migrate/convert. Am I able to get details of the database tables used to go about copying and inserting these?

As an enhancement suggestion, I would like to see Thumbshots integrated giving an automatic and free thumbnail of the sites homepage included on the listings
Is it possible to remove the "," from the listings to make this look better?

As an enhancement suggestion, I would like to see Thumbshots integrated giving an automatic and free thumbnail of the sites homepage included on the listings
I'd like to see that too. Quick question:
When a link is claimed and accepted by the admin. Does the claimant get a notification ?

Will this someday be multilingual so the language of the forum is taken into account ?
I would be able to translate it to German myself :)

Is it possible to remove the "," from the listings to make this look better?

Okay, I've just seen your forum and from what I can see, it might be better if there was an option for people to specify the number of columns (3 seems to be too much for most people using this, 1 or 2 might be better cosmetically)

I'll also make the comma's optional (clearly they just don't look right with some skins)

I'll work on this now and get a release out before the end of the week
I'd like to see that too. Quick question:
When a link is claimed and accepted by the admin. Does the claimant get a notification ?


on sending a request to claim a listing, the admin / mods get an event in the moderation queue, but on approving the claim it's up to the admin to send out a message (if required), although this would be a nice enhancement.
Is it possible to remove the "," from the listings to make this look better?

Sorry, I lied. I wont add the update this weekend, I'll add it now (it took me 10 minutes to do)

* Not only do you now have the option to turn off the commas
* You can now select 1-4 columns (defaults:2), so it fits (I should have realized the right sidebar might now squish some directories with fixed widths)

new version added,
A little thing, but a spelling error in the options screen

New Buisness Listing Limit
Should be Business
Ok, what am I missing?
How do I change the categories around?
In my case, I only want perhaps 4 categories, like
US Dealers
Canadian Dealers
US Service Companies
Canadian Service Companies
And, if possible, I'd want them to list out in zip order or similar...or a google map of all of them?
Is this past the capabilities of this add-on?
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