Lack of interest [Suggestion] Gender specific phrases

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Well-known member
In the English phrase...

{username} set their location as {newLocation}.

'their' works for both genders. In some languages though, this has to be either male or female, so we have to translate it as:

{username} stelde zijn/haar locatie in als {newLocation}.

(Translated: "set his/her location as").

It would be nice if there was a specific phrase for both males and females:

{username} set his location as {newLocation}.

{username} set her location as {newLocation}.
Upvote 1
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In the English phrase...

{username} set their location as {newLocation}.

'their' works for both genders. In some languages though, this has to be either male or female, so we have to translate it as:

{username} stelde zijn/haar locatie in als {newLocation}.

(Translated: "set his/her location as").

It would be nice if there was a specific phrase for both males and females:

{username} set his location as {newLocation}.

{username} set her location as {newLocation}.

What do you do for those who have not set a gender then?
Well it would need to fall back on the general phrases then. Make it smart enough to pick the appropriate phrase...
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