Lack of interest [Suggestion] Alternative style chooser

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At first I was going to say that looks ugly, but then, I was checking the skin selector they have now...I changed my mind. Yours is better.
I think it's perfect as is, and see no reason to make it more difficult. All you have to do is click on the name of the style, and click on another one in the pop-up box.
That is not hard to understand, really.
Not really seeing the need to add the check box, or radial myself.

The theme chooser is OK, I wish it wasn't a pop up though myself, drop down/up would have been fine, but meh :)
I think if we're trying to do a template edit on something that's already functional and looks good that it should be left to style on your own.
I'll try to explain. For example you have 5 styles and for all of them you have 3-4 sub-styles (or child-styles). I think it will be difficult to user to understand which style is general and which is child.
You have 15 to 20 styles for your board? :confused: This is just way to much in my opinion....

But why don´t you name your styles in that way?
For example:
Style1-green, Style1-blue, Style1-red, Style2-dark, Style2-light etc. etc.

The Style chooser is perfect as it is now, plain, simple and easy to use.
You have 15 to 20 styles for your board? :confused: This is just way to much in my opinion....

But why don´t you name your styles in that way?
For example:
Style1-green, Style1-blue, Style1-red, Style2-dark, Style2-light etc. etc.

The Style chooser is perfect as it is now, plain, simple and easy to use.
How do you think, what is better: to name styles with "Style 1 - ..." or "Style 2 - ..." every time you create a child style or to make style chooser more structured?
Naming the styles.
Having the names of the parentstyles as part of the substyles name makes it clear without changing the gui.

But to be honest, i even think it is better to reduce your styles to 3 or 4.
People should see your style and connect it with your board, but that will not be archived by having so many styles.
Naming the styles.
Having the names of the parentstyles as part of the substyles name makes it clear without changing the gui.

But to be honest, i even think it is better to reduce your styles to 3 or 4.
People should see your style and connect it with your board, but that will not be archived by having so many styles.
Some people like to have as many styles as they want and naming every child-style with some prefix will make their live a hell; also it looks ugly: MyStyle1 - Green Style.
But "some people" are clearly the minority, so an alternative style chooser is better suited for an addon.

Oh, and using the names can look good if you´re doing it right.
For example for one of my boards i have 6 styles, and they are called:
* Office (that´s the default style)
* Urban
* Urban fixed
* Woodland
* Woodland fixed
* Mobil (That´s a very basic, nongraphical style for cellphones)

It´s easy to use, the names are understandable and non of my members complaint about the looks of it.
To be honest I prefer the way vBulletin and IP.Board (I think) have it. Just a simple dropdown menu. Always worked best for me.

To be honest, if you're gonna have an elaborate style chooser interface like you have here, I would expect a thumbnail of each style or something. The style chooser right now is certainly not being used to its full potential.
To be honest I prefer the way vBulletin and IP.Board (I think) have it. Just a simple dropdown menu. Always worked best for me.

To be honest, if you're gonna have an elaborate style chooser interface like you have here, I would expect a thumbnail of each style or something. The style chooser right now is certainly not being used to its full potential.
Style chooser as it is now is not structured, I just made a purpose how it should look like.
The drawbacks of a basic dropdown menu is that it's big/ugly and it creates a lot of extra markup especially if you got multiple styles. The popup system works better imo but it would indeed be much nicer if there was a preview visible for each style. Automated if possible would be great.
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