XF 1.2 Suddenly I can't administrate

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
I get into the admin control panel, but when I try to change a user's group I get this:

The following error occurred:

You don't have permission to access /community/admin.php on this server.

help!!! please
To what?

Both are set to the username of the cpanel.

What I find weird is that I change it back to 644, and now it also works.

So it goes like this

  • Originally after installing it worked fine
  • Suddenly this weekend we get the Forbidden error
  • Check admin.php permissions following Jeremy's post above and find they are correct (=644)
  • Change admin.php to permission 744
  • Able to edit user again
  • Change back to 644
  • Still no problem
I spoke to the host, Zen Internet, who were not aware of any change to mod_security over the weekend, but offered to invsitiagte if I can replicate the issue, which at the moment i can't as it's all working fine after changing for 644 to 744 and back to 644.

Seems very strange to me.
That is host speak for, "Opps!"

The only way that you would be required to change a php file permission to 744 is if the script called for it (uncommon) or the host changed something on their end.

Well being that XenForo does not require it (it does not for anyone else).... You, yourself admitted that it originally worked fine on 644 (as it does for everyone else) and installing an add-on will not require you to change other parts of XenForo.

The only valid source of the issue is the host.

Glad that they resolve it for you though.
To what the other related files would be. Make sure that they all have the same ownership.

I'm not quite sure you mean by related files, however all files uploaded seem to have the same user and group, ie the name of the account.

Sound like something on the server end.... and they just "forgot" what it was but fixed it.
Well that sounds OK - at least it explains the issue.
Well that sounds OK - at least it explains the issue.

No it doesn't

It seems that changing permissions was a red herring.

It depends which user I am editing. Some I can edit no problem, others I try to edit and get the error.

All other parts of admin (involving admin.php) seem to be are fine.
Good news, as I worked out the chmod permissions was a red herring - it was nothing to do with that.

As mentioned above, I later discovered that editing one user would cause the error while another one didn't.

So once I found a user that caused it consistently, the host support team at Zen could identify the rule and whitelist it.
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