Styling Questions


in memoriam 2016
I have at least 3 areas on my forum where I cannot find where to change the colors.

Please see the screenies below, and find it in your kind heart to help me out. (wow that sounds like a suck-up).


Forum list inside a category:

Quote background:

Quote "header" strip (don't know the name for this):

Thanks again!
I've not been able to find where to delete the title from my forum index page. It's really quite redundant.
I thought is was on the forum list template, but when I deleted it there, it didn't deleted on the index page.

Any clues please ?

Well dang it. I could swear I tried that before. Thanks Brogan.
Now it looks like there should be something between the breadcrumb and the first category strip. But now that I know where it goes, I can put something else in there.
Presupposing Erik is using the standard classes and hasn't created one for that...

Style Properties/Building Blocks/Primary Content

Remove the border bottom and the solid 1px
Been trying to find this area, assumed it was under the Forum List menu in style properties but I don't see it there.
I've also looked in other areas, but nothing stands out to me. Where do I find this, please ?

The background colour in the default style isn't set, but you can set one and it will override the secondaryContent style.

I don't know how it is in Flexile though so can't help if it's specific to that style.
Thanks Brogan. Erik did indeed set the background color within the template, rather than the style properties.
I found it and did what I wanted to do.

FYI, I decided against getting a custom style, because I like Flexile so much. SO, I'm doing as much as I can to make it unique for my site.
It's coming along a bit at a time, and nicely. :D
They use the primaryContent and secondaryContent classes.

It's hard coded into the content_ip template so you would need to edit it there.

<th class="primaryContent">{xen:phrase content_ip}</th>
<td class="secondaryContent">
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