XF 2.2 Blocks Header Styling Question

myBB site: https://nslazarus.com/index.php

XenForo site: https://nslazarus.com/forum/index.php

Long story short, I have just moved from myBB, and I am a bit lost in how stylesheets/templates work in xenForo.

Basically this is the forum category I have in my myBB forum, which I've kept as a backup while I am setting up xenForo:Example-1.PNG It uses this css, which is attached to the div as a class: <div class="mosaic-bkg"></div>
.mosaic-bkg {

background: rgb(106 199 79) url(https://mywebsite.com/images/pattern-shape-1.svg);


Where I am stuck is where and how I would best edit this in XenForo. Basically I'd need to to edit that color, and change it to green, and then have a svg.


So far my guess is: Edit template: core_block.less

    font-size: @xf-fontSizeLarger;
    font-weight: @xf-fontWeightNormal;
    color: @xf-textColorMuted;

    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    margin-bottom: 5px;

        color: @xf-textColorDimmed;

            color: @xf-textColorMuted;

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Put the following code in your extra.less template:

.block-header {
    color: #fff;
    text-shadow: 6px 6px 6px #291e25;
    background: url(https://www.nslazarus.com/images/pattern-shape-1.svg);
    background-color: rgb(106, 199, 79);
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