XF 1.0 Style Properties II - A Closer Look

You've already seen how style properties provide a quick, easy, flexible and extensible way to control the appearance and behaviour of your styles.

In this video, you'll see them at work again, this time working directly on element appearance and styling. The demo touches on our use of the color palette (which is of course extensible in its own right) and shows some basic use of our CSS editor.


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As usual, this is a large, HD video. View it at full size using the expand gadget in the bottom right of the movie frame.
This is excellent. For once I am actually looking forward to playing around with colours and the likes, rather than dreading it. And how quick and easy to make a temporary change for a special event or promotion without having to faff about editing templates or files.
Nice video Kier, thank you for a sneak peak of how easy it is for site owners to adapt xenforo quickly to their site's design.
Very nice Kier!

My only critique would be on the message user info. I'd rather see it like this:

View attachment 1974
That might not be hard to do with style properties, I don't know. But I agree— by default, if you add other bits of information below the user title, it should have the same darker blue background as the user name and user title, instead of the lighter blue background around the avatar.
That might not be hard to do with style properties, I don't know. But I agree— by default, if you add other bits of information below the user title, it should have the same darker blue background as the user name and user title, instead of the lighter blue background around the avatar.
You saw me change that with a couple of clicks in the video at 04:58 minutes in :)
You saw me change that with a couple of clicks in the video at 04:58 minutes in :)
Yeh, I just couldn't recall off the top of my head if the light blue around the avatar was controlled separately from the light blue below the user title. :)
Looks really amazing, once again very nice work.
Won't be activating any of thoose additional postbit stuff but its nice implementation you made with it.
So, in the same time that it takes to click the element I want to change in Firebug, examine the CCS in hope that I can identify the correct style rule, switch to the admin panel and search in templates for my rule, work out which of the bazillion templates I need to be looking at, search within the (hopefully) correct template for the rule and identify the style property (if it exists), switch to a colour picker, switch back to my admin panel to find and change my style property... I could have styled an entire XenForo forum :p

As I said in another 'have you seen thread', it's really encouraging to see so much effort put into these areas :)
So, in the same time that it takes to click the element I want to change in Firebug, examine the CCS in hope that I can identify the correct style rule, switch to the admin panel and search in templates for my rule, work out which of the bazillion templates I need to be looking at, search within the (hopefully) correct template for the rule and identify the style property (if it exists), switch to a colour picker, switch back to my admin panel to find and change my style property... I could have styled an entire XenForo forum :p

Yep, pretty much. :)
This system just gets better and better.

One thing I didn't see was whether the font style can be changed from within the Style Properties system?
I saw the font size but didn't see a dropdown for the style, unless it's on a different page?
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