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Start Conversation from Post (Ajax) 1.2.5

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Yes, thats userinfo area. But I don't use the addon there and disabled it for userinfo in APC. I need to get it work in postbit. Hopefully @Hlchia can help with this issue.
Yes, thats userinfo area. But I don't use the addon there and disabled it for userinfo in APC. I need to get it work in postbit. Hopefully @Hlchia can help with this issue.
He has already posted this, which is where that TMS edit I provided came from. As I said, for some reason it doesn't read it use the restrictions provided.
I'll look at the code to see if I may be able to figure it out.

Thanks for the add-on. Is it possible to remove the thread title in the PC when choosing to keep the quote?
It keeps the title of the thread in as the PC title by default. You screenshot shows no title, so I'm wondering how this is different now (1.2b5).

Would be great if you change the editor to this fast edit editor:
This works fantastic. One question, does anyone know how to redirect the user to the conversation page after hitting the "start conversation" button?

Right now it seems to just stay at the particular thread, and this may be confusing for some users as they might not get any indication that a conversation had been started.

The post controller is extended to add the ability to start conversation in a post, and redirecting back to the post where the conversation started.
Please, how do you edit to make it not redirect back to the post. Instead, go to the conversation page after starting the conversation.

For me it doesn't work. I have following code in template "conversationpost_post":

<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$user.user_id} != {$visitor.user_id}">
<a href="{xen:link posts/conversation, $post, 'to={$post.username}'}" class="OverlayTrigger item control report" data-cacheOverlay="false">{xen:phrase start_conversation}</a>
(yes, i use and changed only postbit. cause userinfo option for this addon is in ACP set inactive. but the issue still exists if i modify both templates^^)

Yep, and that's why I specified that it was the conversationpost_userinfo template. I never could get it to work in the conversationpost_post template. AFAIK, it SHOULD work - but it doesn't.
for conversationpost_post, you want to do
<xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id} AND {$post.user_id} != {$visitor.user_id}">
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