XF 1.3 Spoiler vs Indexation


Well-known member
Is there any relation between hidding a content into a spoiler and idexating it into web search sites ?

I mean, If I put a content inside spoiler its going to be indexed into google as any other part of the content that is outside the spoiler ?

Thanks :)
Cloaking is showing different things to a search engine than what you show users

Right. The bot see the text an the user see the button. That are different things.
So I ask a Google engineer about the problem. Can this hurt my site?
And the and the answer was Google like: YES and NO :)

If the major text content of a page "hidden" in this way this not good for your site.
Be Careful.
Are you running it, user-friendly than it is ok.

I think everyone should assess the risk for themselves.
If you're talking about things like:

<xen:if is="!{xen:helper ismemberof, 1, 2, 3, 4}">
      Do not show this

Then, no. XF conditional statements are compiled as PHP code so the effects of that code are server side meaning if something is hidden inside a conditional such as the one above, then Google can't see any trace of that happening at all.
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