sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

If you add rebuild EXIF data will it also update the locations used on those old photos?
It is 50 + 70.

Hmm. I usually like to buy the branding free option just for the sake of having a nicer footer. But 70$ is too much for my non-profit site.

Please do reconsider your pricing, I'm pretty sure that you will earn more on the branding removal if you lower the price. But in the end it's your decision.
Hmm. I usually like to buy the branding free option just for the sake of having a nicer footer. But 70$ is too much for my non-profit site.

Please do reconsider your pricing, I'm pretty sure that you will earn more on the branding removal if you lower the price. But in the end it's your decision.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Any plans for Photopost Pro importer ? :)
Already in the plan. You used it with vb integration?
I know this is kinda a stupid thing to ask, but it's a basically the reason for the decision between this and the solution of Chris. Both systems seem to be amazing. Your's just seems a little "fresher". I read on the forums that you are going to implement video once pictures are "perfect". Do you have an IDEA when that'll be? What are we looking at? Weeks? Months?
I know this is kinda a stupid thing to ask, but it's a basically the reason for the decision between this and the solution of Chris. Both systems seem to be amazing. Your's just seems a little "fresher". I read on the forums that you are going to implement video once pictures are "perfect". Do you have an IDEA when that'll be? What are we looking at? Weeks? Months?
I do not have timeline yet as it depends on other things. I only have general plan at this time.
- 1.0.x For importers, basic features...
- 1.1.x For overlay, slideshow....
- 1.2 (or 2.0?) Videos...
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Just ask for a thread gallery add-on instead. Technically, XF already has a thread gallery and it's an option to allow users to go through all images of a thread when one image is clicked. SO if you just request an add-on to display the gallery somewhere in the message view/ thread view... then I think you'd be okay? It pretty much exists, just need some template modifications.

Unless you're asking him to have a gallery auto generated for each new thread, then I'm not entirely sure it's a great option to have. it'd be a little repetitive.

I understand where you're coming from though. Don't get me wrong lol I just think sonnb can better use his time to work on other features.

All understandable @0xym0r0n, my only concern is that people will upload more "naturally" pics in a thread than in a gallery because they have more "space" in it to discuss and because the forum life is in threads so they are more used to them. In this way users can browse a gallery discussing in a thread with other users or browse the gallery in a more stylish way in the gallery itself (with comments synced to the threads). I think this will boost the use of the gallery... but I don't have the countercheck to prove it so it's possibile that I'm totally wrong! ;)
Can you add an option to disable right-clicking, saving pics?
You cannot do anything with that. Once image was displayed, no way to keep it. Anyway, it is just the resized the one. Album's owner could set permission for original one.
There's a simple javascript that disables right-clicking. Even photopost has it. I don't see a problem with adding it to Xen Gallery as an option.
There's a simple javascript that disables right-clicking. Even photopost has it. I don't see a problem with adding it to Xen Gallery as an option.
It is not problem at all. The thing is, it is just a old school trick and cannot stop people downloading your photos.
A member uploaded 3 pics. For each pic he got a similar error.

Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined offset: 1307 - library/sonnb/XenGallery/DataWriter/Album.php:781
Generated By: SIN, Yesterday at 6:26 AM
Stack Trace
#0 /home/blah/public_html/library/sonnb/XenGallery/DataWriter/Album.php(781): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined offse...', '/home/blah/publi...', 781, Array)
#1 /home/blah/public_html/library/sonnb/XenGallery/ControllerPublic/XenGallery/Album.php(466): sonnb_XenGallery_DataWriter_Album->insertPhotos(Array)
#2 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(337): sonnb_XenGallery_ControllerPublic_XenGallery_Album->actionAddPhoto()
#3 /home/blah/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#4 /home/blah/public_html/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#5 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(51) ""
["_GET"] => array(0) {
["_POST"] => array(10) {
["photo_description"] => array(2) {
[1305] => string(0) ""
[1306] => string(0) ""
["photo_location"] => array(2) {
[1305] => string(0) ""
[1306] => string(0) ""
["photo_people"] => array(2) {
[1305] => string(0) ""
[1306] => string(0) ""
["location_lat"] => array(2) {
[1305] => string(0) ""
[1306] => string(0) ""
["location_lng"] => array(2) {
[1305] => string(0) ""
[1306] => string(0) ""
["photo_data_hash"] => string(32) "260baa8c2f22d2fac8284ce171a093a1"
["_xfRequestUri"] => string(35) "/gallery/albums/stuff.104/add-photo"
["_xfNoRedirect"] => string(1) "1"
["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
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