Soft Responsive [Deleted]

Some of my members are complaining about how this looks on very wide displays. Is there a way I can keep everything responsive, but set a maximum width? I've tried adding

max-width: 1000px; the Page Width Controller, which seems to work, but everything is on the left of the screen. Is there a way to set a maximum width, but have everything centred?

Set width in page width controller, not max-width
Within that section, though, it says the following:

To support responsive design, a fixed width value should not be used here; instead, a max-width value should be applied.

Can I ignore that? I can just enter 1000px in the Width box and all the responsive stuff will still work?

Ignore that. Unfortunately style authors cannot change anything in default style properties, so that's description for default style.
Ignore that. Unfortunately style authors cannot change anything in default style properties, so that's description for default style.
Thanks Arty, that has worked a treat. Is there a way that I can change the colour of the background (i.e. the strips that appear outside the 1000px width)?

I have tried changing Content Background, but that changed the colour of the whole forum!

XenForo 1.4.0 release candidate 2 update.

There were almost no template chances since release candidate 1 and none of those changes affect this style, therefore there is nothing to update. Version for rc1 will work with rc2.
I updated Style and Color sheme ...
is the child of the color sheme wich i actualy use also updated than ?
In admin control panel check for outdated templates in child style. If there aren't any, there is nothing to update. Make sure files (scripts and images) are up to date though.
No it looking like that:

i dont know how to fix that :/


  • css.webp
    15.2 KB · Views: 22
You can ignore it.

If add-on specific templates are listed as outdated without version number, it means add-on was installed after style. Such installation order confuses XenForo and it incorrectly shows those templates as outdated.
Style has been updated to support latest version of Brogan's CTA Featured Threads & Portal add-on.

Instead of releasing new version I overwrote latest version's files. There were no other changes. You need to update only if you are using CTA Featured Threads & Portal add-on. To update style import new XML file.
You can set maximum width in style properties -> page width. Set value in width field.

Also you can enable content wrapper (style properties -> content wrapper) that will add left/right sides. That option requires setting width in @pageWidth property.
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