Social Connect (for Facebook and Twitter) [Deleted]


In IE, after adding a Facebook link, the "k" of "linked to facebook" dissappeared for both my client and myself. Chrome showed it no problem.

I addressed it by increasing the width of both the Twitter and FB button to 165px.

Just figured I'd make you aware of the issue :)

In IE, after adding a Facebook link, the "k" of "linked to facebook" dissappeared for both my client and myself. Chrome showed it no problem.

I addressed it by increasing the width of both the Twitter and FB button to 165px.

Just figured I'd make you aware of the issue :)
Thank you. Good old IE :)

any update on this? or how soon....


two questions:

1: can you set which categories/threads will be twitted or facebooked? For good reason I would
want threads in some categories sent out, and others not sent out....

2: Is the facebook addon any different then what twitter has...I think if you sent it to twitter, then
twitter has an option to auto post to facebook, but I am not sure if twitter has any options to
control what is sent out...

so it would surely be useful to me if I can control what is, and what is not sent out to twitter/facebook.

Sorry, missed it.

1) There is currently no such option but it is planned.
2) Eventually my add-on will have an option for each thread or status to choose which service/services you use.

Just noticed when I wrote a profile post on another users profile, it tweeted my comment. Is that the correct behaviour from this add-on?

Doesn't seem right to me.
That is more then what I am getting...

I just installed it, setup api keys, and made a post, then nothing on my twitter account....


Just noticed when I wrote a profile post on another users profile, it tweeted my comment. Is that the correct behaviour from this add-on?

Doesn't seem right to me.
When setting up your Twitter API keys at Twitter's developer's website, you need to make sure you have set it to Read/Write. It defaults to Read only.
Ok, I will check, I swore it was on read/write...
as it would surely need to write no doubt....

update: as i thought, it is set to read/write.

When setting up your Twitter API keys at Twitter's developer's website, you need to make sure you have set it to Read/Write. It defaults to Read only.
Have you entered in to your Admin CP your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret or Access Token and Access Token Secret?
As the key/secret needs to be kept secret, can you please send me a screenshot in a private message of the key and secret from Twitter's website (include as many of the details in the screenshot as possible) and a screenshot of the Admin CP options where you entered them please?
does it require a call back url?
I noticed this option was blank....

As the key/secret needs to be kept secret, can you please send me a screenshot in a private message of the key and secret from Twitter's website (include as many of the details in the screenshot as possible) and a screenshot of the Admin CP options where you entered them please?
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