XF 2.0 Sitemap


Well-known member
I was just wondering does the sitemap have to be a .txt or .xml file as I know that the Xenforo uses .php?
If only nodes are showing in the sitemap then you likely need to go to Admin CP > Setup > Options > XML sitemap generation and make sure that you have "Thread" checked under "Include sitemap content"

If that is already checked, go to Admin CP > Tools > Rebuild caches > and run the "Rebuild sitemap" job to see if anything changes.
If I check threads and then rebuild it I get a single sitemap.xml with every thread in it...
What are you expecting, exactly?

That sounds correct.

An individual sitemap file can have up to 50,000 URLs in it.

If you have fewer than that (as you seem to) then it will all appear in a single file. If you have more than that (like we do) then sitemap.xml becomes an index which points at several more sitemap files each containing up to 50,000 URLs each.
ah ok so the limit is 50,000? sorry, I misunderstood - I was hoping that it would break it into smaller chunks once the urls topped a few hundred.

Search console seems to be struggling with this one despite only have 2,500 in it. Thanks for your help Chris.

Yeah. If anything, Google prefers the larger files. I think a few years ago the file URL limit (in the sitemap spec) increased from 10,000 to 50,000.

What makes you think they are struggling, though?
Love XenForo, not trying to kiss ass but it's so well built.

This is just another example of someone (not the most technical ever) easily finding a fast solution to a problem.. this thread solved my issue in less than 5 mins.

Wouldn't change to another forum software if they were giving it away free
@Chris D or to anyone else who knows that answer. How do you include pages outside of the forum in your sitemap? I see that Xenforo automatically creates a sitemap, but this doesn't include pages that are not part of the forum.

I would really use some help on this issue.

Thank you.
You can add specific URLs via the "Extra sitemap URLs" option. (You can use the control panel search to be taken directly to it.)
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