XF 2.0 Setting up the share accounts tabs


I have most of them now configured, my last one is FB so thank you for the heads up. By the way that document needs to be updated as the sites have changed a lot of the input areas from what the manual states. I had to search a lot of there site to find what I needed to input.
I have most of them now configured, my last one is FB so thank you for the heads up. By the way that document needs to be updated as the sites have changed a lot of the input areas from what the manual states. I had to search a lot of there site to find what I needed to input.

I cannot find the Add New App mentioned in the manual :unsure:

I cannot get pas this step!

Browse to https://developers.facebook.com/ and be sure that you're logged into your Facebook account. Note that you must be logged in as a person, not a page.

When I login to FB on the developers page, it just takes me straight to my personal FB page.

What am I missing?
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I don't know about anyone else, but I gave up on a FB app key. They literally wanted me to explain why I should be so honored as to be able to use their integration system.

So I figured it out. I HATE FB for making me give them a phone number, but at least it took my land line instead of insisting on a mobile number :p

I used the link under the Facebook AP ID field in the Admin CP. It made me register and give a phone number. After that, the instructions in the manual were close enough that I was able to figure out the rest.

Hit the test connection and it worked.
Everytime I try to setup the

Connected account providers

for Google and Facebook I get errors. Any help out there

400. That’s an error.

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request, https://tellodronepilots.com/connected_account.php, does not match the ones authorized for the OAuth client. To update the authorized redirect URIs, visit: https://console.developers.google.c...ps.googleusercontent.com?project=770922829461
Learn more
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That’s all we know.
Was you able to solve it? I have the same issue?
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