Self Delete by Waindigo [Deleted]

Jon W

Well-known member
Waindigo submitted a new resource:

Self Delete by Waindigo (version 1.0.0) - Allow users to delete their account, giving a reason and allowing them time to change their mind.


This add-on adds an option for users to request to delete their own account.

For added protection, there are several stages to the process, which includes a confirmation overlay, the requirement for a reason to be entered and a check-box to be ticked, the requirement of a link in a confirmation email to be clicked on, and finally a 24 hour window for the user to change their mind.

There is also an admin control panel page for administrators to view all the reasons for...

Read more about this resource...
Hi Waindigo

In this Add-on you use the same names for Listener as in your Library. But the files are newer and bigger and got some more functions. In my opinion there will be a problem if you install Self Delete before installing your Library and say "overwrite all"- Is this correct?
OK - In try to install Self Delete as the newset Add-on and got
Please enter a valid callback method.
during the installation and the Add-on isnt installed.

If you try to enter your forum after this you got
Fatal error: Access level to Waindigo_SelfDelete_ControllerPublic_Abstract::_preDispatch() must be public (as in class EWRporta_ControllerPublic_Index) in (..)/library/Waindigo/SelfDelete/ControllerPublic/Abstract.php on line 30

And there is no chance to deinstall - you need to deaktivate this Add-on
Hi Waindigo

In this Add-on you use the same names for Listener as in your Library. But the files are newer and bigger and got some more functions. In my opinion there will be a problem if you install Self Delete before installing your Library and say "overwrite all"- Is this correct?
No, this is not the case. You should be able to overwrite files in any order. If you look carefully, the files that are overwritten never change.

OK - In try to install Self Delete as the newset Add-on and got

during the installation and the Add-on isnt installed.

If you try to enter your forum after this you got

And there is no chance to deinstall - you need to deaktivate this Add-on
Is this because you didn't upload all of the files?
Can we see screenshots please.

Also 24hrs is too short.... Members should have at least 1 calendar month after submitting delete of account.

Or make it an option in the ACP so the admins can decide on how long the time should be.
Can we see screenshots please.

Also 24hrs is too short.... Members should have at least 1 calendar month after submitting delete of account.

Or make it an option in the ACP so the admins can decide on how long the time should be.
I thought screenshots would be a little boring because there is not that much to show, but I will add some later when I get some time.

As I am a commercial developer so, as usual with all of my add-ons, I will only be adding new features (such as ACP options) if people contribute, either by directly requesting a feature from my and paying for its development, or by making a donation (in which case I will decide what features are added based on community feedback).

The 24 hour limit was added because that is what was requested by Crazy-Achmet, who very kindly paid for all of the development of this add-on so far.
I had the same problem. Got an http 500 error after installing. Tried to uninstall, get a bunch of errors and have to deactivate.

Server Error

func_get_arg(): Argument 1 not passed to function
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError()
  2. func_get_arg() in ...library\Waindigo\Install\20120614.php at line 36
  3. Waindigo_Install::uninstall()
  4. call_user_func() in ...library\XenForo\DataWriter\AddOn.php at line 193
  5. XenForo_DataWriter_AddOn->_postDelete() in ...library\XenForo\DataWriter.php at line 1738
  6. XenForo_DataWriter->delete() in ...library\XenForo\ControllerAdmin\AddOn.php at line 116
  7. XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionDelete() in ...library\XenForo\FrontController.php at line 310
  8. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in ...library\XenForo\FrontController.php at line 132
  9. XenForo_FrontController->run() in ...admin.php at line 13
I'm not be able to install this correctly.

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Waindigo_Install in /xxxx/public/library/Waindigo/Install/20120508.php on line 121

Forget about that! ;)
I had a similar problem when I tried to uninstall it after it failed to fully install... Might also note that I am using your Threadthumbnail mod.

Server Error
func_get_arg(): Argument 1 not passed to function
    XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in Waindigo/Install/20120614.php at line 36
    Waindigo_Install::uninstall() in XenForo/DataWriter/AddOn.php at line 193
    XenForo_DataWriter_AddOn->_postDelete() in XenForo/DataWriter.php at line 1738
    XenForo_DataWriter->delete() in XenForo/ControllerAdmin/AddOn.php at line 116
    XenForo_ControllerAdmin_AddOn->actionDelete() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
    XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
    XenForo_FrontController->run() in .../admin.php at line 13
Can we see screenshots please.

Also 24hrs is too short.... Members should have at least 1 calendar month after submitting delete of account.

Or make it an option in the ACP so the admins can decide on how long the time should be.
Screenshots have been added.
What happen to user post? Will be visible like "Guest" or the author will be the deleted user?
How about a soft delete? Data ramain but user is "disabled".
What happen to user post? Will be visible like "Guest" or the author will be the deleted user?
How about a soft delete? Data ramain but user is "disabled".
On full delete (after 24 hours) posts will appear just as if user was deleted normally (so they will appear from that user, with no link to their profile). Before full delete, the user is banned, but no effect on their posts.
Some free advice....

It would seem A LOT (all) of your modifications share a few files. Don't.
You end up releasing X add-on, but do not update Y add-on shared to match.

So many conflicts....

Just an opinion
Some free advice....

It would seem A LOT (all) of your modifications share a few files. Don't.
You end up releasing X add-on, but do not update Y add-on shared to match.

So many conflicts....

Just an opinion
This is absolutely not the case. My shared files are very carefully designed so that any old shared files that are uploaded are ignored and newer shared files take precedence, without any extra effort on your part. The only down side is that you sometimes get a few copies of old shared files, but this is relatively small.
This is absolutely not the case. My shared files are very carefully designed so that any old shared files that are uploaded are ignored and newer shared files take precedence, without any extra effort on your part. The only down side is that you sometimes get a few copies of old shared files, but this is relatively small.
That hasn't exactly been my experience....

There have been a few add-ons, which I had never installed or uploaded before, made by you, which asked me if I wanted to over right files.

If this has changed .... Wonderful, I stand corrected and do sincerely apologies.
That hasn't exactly been my experience....

There have been a few add-ons, which I had never installed or uploaded before, made by you, which asked me if I wanted to over right files.

If this has changed .... Wonderful, I stand corrected and do sincerely apologies.
The files it asks you to overwrite will always be identical and will never ever change.
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