Select Few Users Being Logged Out Constantly

Zachary Ball

Active member
I need some assistance since i have exhausted all efforts here :(

I have, to my attention about 5-10 users who are constantly being logged out. There is a login box that will pop up which i have never seen on my end.

Now, I have spent countless hours reading all of the threads here that report it being a problem with cache, www or non www inconsistency and settings within the APC.

I have checked everything and still can't figure this out. I have timeout set at 60 which is max. Someone maybe shed some light? These users can't complete 1-2 tasks without being asked to log back in.
The 60 minute setting in the ACP is just related to who shows as being online, it isn't related to session timeout, which is always 60 minutes.

However, any request will extend it, including requests such as draft saving, and if the window is focussed, a request will always be made that keeps the session alive.

Are they checking "Stay logged in" when they log in?

Is their IP address changing? If it is, the existing session won't be used but selecting the option to stay logged in adds a cookie which automatically recreates the session as needed.

It may be worth asking one of them for permission to log in to their account to see if you can reproduce it.
Hey Brogan,

The "stay logged in" button is selected by default on my website. I have checked thier account and only see one IP address unless that one continuously changes.

Anything else?
Already have been to those links and tried just about everything you have here. I was able to fix the issue by increasing memcached but it is acting up again today. Pretty much every action I or my users do, it logs us out and pops up a login box to yet again log in...

I was able to fix the issue by increasing memcached but it is acting up again today.
So, that pretty much confirms what the issue is. Your memcache is likely full again. So your options are to restart it and clear it out or increase the limit again. Increasing the limit every time you reach the limit is obviously a temporary fix.
I have a few pages that aren't being displayed as secured and those seem to be the clicks that trigger the log out. My redirect for all pages to be secure is not working like it should. That is the problem, any fixes?
I have a few pages that aren't being displayed as secured and those seem to be the clicks that trigger the log out.
Yes, that would definitely cause it.

What kind of redirect are you doing? With out knowing your particular set up it's hard to give advice. Really the bigger problem is that they're linked to the insecure version at all, the redirect is handy if they try going to it manually but all of your internal links should be standardised so this shouldn't be that common of a problem.
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