Search Engine File


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I just saw in another post that there is a file in xenforo what regocnizes search engine bots

public static $knownRobots = array
'sogou web spider',
'xenforo signature generator',
'yahoo! slurp',

where is the location of this file and can I add more bots? I need it for the "first click" plugin.
That file is library/XenForo/Session.php

Be weary of making code edits but if you're comfortable with doing so at least keep a note of your changes for reference after upgrading (where the files will be replaced).
That file is library/XenForo/Session.php

Be weary of making code edits but if you're comfortable with doing so at least keep a note of your changes for reference after upgrading (where the files will be replaced).
Since its static, he should be able to do:
XenForo_Session::$knownRobots = array_merge(array('my', 'robots'), XenForo_Session::$knownRobots);
// or... I've seen this used but never used this operator:
XenForo_Session::$knownRobots += array('my, 'robots');

It a code event early on.
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