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Route Changer 1.1.3

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I never thought I would ever find a use to this until now

xfa-blog-home > blogs

Because originally it was LN Blogs to which I upgraded / converted to Better Blogs. This changed the default path. I'll not go about changing all the internal paths (most because I can't remember them). I figure the very least I can do is make it a little easier to find.

Thanks Jake :)
Great add on but I wanted to be sure : you sayvit won't affect seo doing this once, are you sure about that ? With a great seo you don't loose any rank ? What will happen if because lf a future xf update the addon isbt working anymore and you stopped developing it ?

Great add on but I wanted to be sure : you sayvit won't affect seo doing this once, are you sure about that ? With a great seo you don't loose any rank ? What will happen if because lf a future xf update the addon isbt working anymore and you stopped developing it ?

The only way I see this breaking is if XF change how they route their application, which I can't see ever being changed as it's efficient.
As of right now my directory for my forums is /forums/, i have an index.php with an under construction picture. I'm ready to launch my site, how can i have my visitors to easily use to go the portal and forums? Or Do I just delete the index.php and then transfer all my files out of the /forums/ directory?
I seem to be running into an issue here, and I'm not sure if it's me, XenPorta, or some of the settings I made in Route Changer.

Our forums are currently placed in the root folder of the domain. They did not use to be, but once resided in /forums. Using Xenporta and setting the portal as index ended us up with having urls like /forums/forums/forum.1.

In order to solve the above, we have a number of redirects in place in .htaccess to ensure all bookmarked links to forums are properly handled.

I pointed all forums to be at /boards, using the Route Changer, but now notice that our Categories that contain anchors do not work anymore. Instead, they point back to the front page.

Our forum list:

The first Category has the following link. Clicking that brings you back to the frontpage:

The proper link ought to be:

My Route Changer contains the following relevant entries:

forums -> boards
portal -> index
index -> forum

Our htaccess has the following:

    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+-([\d]+).html showthread.php?t=$1&page=$2 [NC,L]
    RewriteRule [^/]+/([\d]+)-.+.html showthread.php?t=$1 [NC,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^(data|js|styles|install) - [NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]

And then a lot of redirects to ensure all existing links continue to work.

Any ideas? This is annoying me, and so far my attempts yielded nothing.

The first Category has the following link. Clicking that brings you back to the frontpage:

The proper link ought to be:

Yeah that's a bug in this addon. I need to fix it still. It only affects category links when categories are not set to have their own page (but rather use an anchor). Categories are an exception in this case. They don't behave like "normal" links unless you enable the page option.
Yeah that's a bug in this addon. I need to fix it still. It only affects category links when categories are not set to have their own page (but rather use an anchor). Categories are an exception in this case. They don't behave like "normal" links unless you enable the page option.

Thanks, Jake. I thought I was going insane, lol. I have been trying several things including attempting to add some specific REDIRECT rules, but none worked. That was why I figured it might be likely something in Nodes-As-Tabs.

At least now I know why the behavior is happening then :)
Is it possible to redirect a whole forum into a brand new route? For example I have forums/ and I want it to be somewhere/over/the/rainbow, is this possible? So far I've tried this once but XF complains that route doesn't have a controller.
Is it possible to redirect a whole forum into a brand new route? For example I have forums/ and I want it to be somewhere/over/the/rainbow, is this possible? So far I've tried this once but XF complains that route doesn't have a controller.

That doesn't work. The route in the URL is delimited by slashes such that it appears like a directory name. You can't have a route containing slashes. This addon won't give you an error, but the links won't work on the front end with an invalid route like this (as you have discovered).
Yeah that's a bug in this addon. I need to fix it still. It only affects category links when categories are not set to have their own page (but rather use an anchor). Categories are an exception in this case. They don't behave like "normal" links unless you enable the page option.

Jake, are you intending to address this issue? It's a minor nuisance, but would be great to have fixed :)
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