XF 2.2 Chane URL Route of /theads to /category


New member
Hello, I'm a new xenforo customer and I have a newbie question.

I checked the documentation and I googled before posting but to be honest I can't find the right answer.

I made a category on my forum and I Route the link to /categoryName in this category name I have another category child /categoryName/child where I have a sub-forum /categoryName/child/subForum and where I post a Test Topic and the URLs structure for the topic in that subforumus is /threads/test.2/

The problem is I would like to have the URL for my topics like
/categoryName/topic-tile if there are no sub-forums or other childs categorys
or /categoryName/child/subForum/topic-title if that category have childs categorys or sub-forums

I was using vB5 forum 10 days (and after I've changed to xenforo) and there I could change the forum/sub-forums names and the topics in that sub-forum or category will follow that link path.

Thank you very much in advance for help :)
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