Resource Guidelines

To cover the price question, we're clarifying to:
Any price listed for your resource must accurately reflect the price paid without taking any other steps (such as enrolling in a subscription service). If your price is listed exclusive of tax that may be applied, please indicate this in the description.

Because the tax rates may be variable based on the buyer's location, it's difficult to include in the price. In the US, listing prices without tax is completely standard practice as well. So this is probably the most reasonable compromise.
I believe this treatment is needed for item #3 too - "Any price listed for your resource must accurately reflect the price paid without taking any other steps (such as enrolling in a subscription service)."
Several add-ons are coming through that are free/unpaid to download/install, but are useless without a monthly subscription service.
Just to follow up on this since you have mentioned an example elsewhere, generally, we think that listing these as free is fine provided the additional requirements are listed with the resource (we have a field to do this).

As an example, if an add-on required the resource manager to function (as these do for example), it doesn't make sense to put the cost of the RM as the cost of the resource. This would apply even if we made a free RM add-on ourselves. This dependency/requirement should be made clear in the resource description though.
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