Resource Guidelines

I think it would be better if non complient addons were moved to a place where people could view them, but not download them...

That serves no purpose. People can already view and not download them. They ought to be moved to an archive where people using them can download at their own risk. Otherwise it screws current users who don't have a copy.

A developer dies it doesn't make their work useless :p Just means some editing is needed.
They ought to be moved to an archive where people using them can download at their own risk.
That has no relevance for paid add-ons. They are not hosted on our site/server.

As for free add-ons, if you are using it then you already have a copy - installed on your site.

Individuals should always make backups of software they purchase. Just in case.
I was talking free ones. Of course the paid ones are out of your download control. They technically can still be bought even once delisted as long as the site that has it is running. I don't discount the idea of callbacks in free addons. How else do you find the domains of people running your plugins to see if they removed branding without permission? Seems too unpopular to risk adding though.
I don't discount the idea of callbacks in free addons. How else do you find the domains of people running your plugins to see if they removed branding without permission? Seems too unpopular to risk adding though.

If people remove branding without consent, what stops them from removing the callback without consent?

Take XenForo as an example. People could easily remove the branding without paying for the removal, yet no callback "features" there.
If people remove branding without consent, what stops them from removing the callback without consent?

Take XenForo as an example. No callback "features" there, yet people could easily remove the branding without paying for the removal.

It wasn't a dicussion about piracy and license violations. Just stating paid addons might not be the only villagers of the callback rules.
It wasn't a dicussion about piracy and license violations. Just stating paid addons might not be the only villagers of the callback rules.
I understand and I agree. I am just saying that I question the effectiveness of callbacks, whether it's in free or paid addons.
Resources that do not follow these guidelines may be removed.
If a resource listing links to an external site for purchase/download and the addon/resource does not meet XF guidelines, will it also be removed from XF resources?
Eg. XF resources states purpose and description. I click link to go to developers site and purchase. If the developers site lists that it has callbacks, will it be removed from XF resource listing because it doesn't state it has callbacks
If a resource listing links to an external site for purchase/download and the addon/resource does not meet XF guidelines, will it also be removed from XF resources?
Eg. XF resources states purpose and description. I click link to go to developers site and purchase. If the developers site lists that it has callbacks, will it be removed from XF resource listing because it doesn't state it has callbacks

I would have thought given your discussion earlier you would already know the answer to that. Yes. In fact it was just demonstrated to be a yes.
If a resource listing links to an external site for purchase/download and the addon/resource does not meet XF guidelines, will it also be removed from XF resources?
All resources must meet the guidelines, paid and free.

As posted above though, surely you already knew the answer considering four such resources which you reported were removed yesterday.
For the avoidance of doubt, to comply with clause 4, all that needs to be added to the main resource description is something similar to the following:

"This add-on performs a callback to an external server during installation, for validation against a third-party database. "

If callbacks are also required when in use, for upgrading and uninstallation, you also need to make that clear. So the additional text would be something like:

"Ongoing validation is required when in use, when upgrading, and during uninstallation."

However, with regards to uninstallation, bear in mind clause 3, which states:
Uninstallation must not depend on an external server. If an external request needs to occur during uninstallation and this request fails, uninstallation should still be able to proceed. You must not block or prevent uninstallation in any way.
Interested in the viewpoint on whether resources/add-ons can still be functional, even though they have been disabled in ACP? The guidelines don't seem to mention this. I would have thought that if an add-on is disabled, it should not be functional.
That's correct. That would actually fall under this rule:
Code event listeners may not be inserted that are not associated with your add-on.

Which add-on is still functional while disabled?
In that case, it probably isn't a direct breach of the guidelines. They probably aren't inserting code event listeners that are not associated with their add-on. If it is being accessed through files on your server, as Mike says, that's something different.

In that particular case, the onus would be on you to prevent access to those files (or delete them after uninstall).
I see that you're referring to which is sort of a different case as it's just new files that they access directly (which isn't unreasonable), distinct from the XenForo "integration" components.
Then what is the purpose and reason for having a plugin installed in the ACP, and being able to enable or disable it?
If it's just files we place on our servers, then it's not really an add-on then?
It's probably related to phrases and templates which are part of it.

You would have to ask the developers or inspect the code/.xml file, to see what is being added.
Well the TT example is not actually really "integrated" into XenForo for the most part. If you upload file.php to the server and call it directly, XenForo can't prevent the web server from calling it. Integrating into the XF UI is done via systems that XF can control. (The developer could check the add-on state in their files before handling anything.)
I'm sure this is a dumb question, but how does one go about updating addons that were removed if the original author doesn't have access to view/edit it the resource?
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