Reply Box Not Showing


Active member
I wonder if you can help, i have had certain members on my site (only certain) saying they cannot see the reply box at the bottom of threads and they have to click the reply button instead.

Now me personally and other members have no problems with this so what could the actual problem be?
Can anyone help please?
Ask them to clear all of their browser cache.
I have requested that and just waiting for a reply so i will let you know if that does the trick. Its just strange that it only seems to be two people complaining about it but on all of my devices and other members i have asked its fine for them. Just gets annoying when they blame my actual site when its not.
If it's only one or two visitors then the problem is always at their end.

If it was a site/server issue it would affect all visitors.
As Brogan gas said, it'll be a problem at their end. Some possibilities are:

  • Javascript turned off in their browsers
  • Rich text editor turned off in Account > Preferences
  • A browser like Dolphin Mini that the rich text editor doesn't work in
As Brogan gas said, it'll be a problem at their end. Some possibilities are:

  • Javascript turned off in their browsers
  • Rich text editor turned off in Account > Preferences
  • A browser like Dolphin Mini that the rich text editor doesn't work in
The browser they seem to be having problems with is Opera Mini, which in my opinion is not much cop. Would that be the three same keypoints for this browser also?
The browser doesn't work with Redactor which is why it has been disabled.

They will have to use the plain text editor.
It's the same with Dolphin Mini which I use on my (old) phone. It just doesn't work with Redactor and it's something that I have to put up with until I get a new phone with a better browser.

If they can use a better browser then they should do that, otherwise there's nothing that can be done.
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