Fixed  Reply box black after upgrade to RC 1


Well-known member
Where in my style can I change the color of the background of the reply box?

It went to black after the upgrade to RC1. Thanks!
That fix has been added, though on its own it prevents you from including an image in the WYSIWYG editor. There's also an additional style property now that allows you to specifically style the WYSIWYG editor contents (which can set an image). If you don't do that, the values inherit from all sorts of places. :)
Your best bet is to edit the editor_contents.css template. We're looking at different ways to get the styling to work.

At the very bottom of it, try adding this:
body { background-image: none; }
There isn't a way to put this in EXTRA.css, is there? Of course, if it's fixed in RC2 and that's down the pipeline, I suppose it's not a big deal anyway, but it may be worth knowing. :) Thanks!
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