MG 2.1 Problems with former tabs after upgrade to XFMG 2.1rc


Well-known member
XFMG 2.1rc

I made two testinstallations. One with XFMG 1.1.17 and another one by copying that installation and database, changing the URL & DB and then do a test-upgrade from there from XF1.1.17 to 2.1rc

The upgrade went without any error alerts.

But I am confused with the appearance of some old information within the MediaGallery. See the screenshot.

All former tabs of XF 1.1.17 are now no longer tabs, but appear on the right side in blocks. Additionally, the wording is not helpful and links do appear but do not work /are not clickable.

Did I miss anything in the MG-ACP options after or before the upgrade?


Also if I click on the image, I can no longer view it in differenet sizes. Neither in a lightbox, nor really big (fullfilling the whole screen) with dark-grey background as it was the case with MG1.1.17.
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I just upgraded to the latest RC.

Now the wording of the former MG 1.1.17 tabs are correct BUT the URLs in these fields are still not clickable.
I believe the URL change is a general custom field change. It's possible the MG was actually using a different behavior to core custom fields in the past. What types of fields are those? Do they have particular validation values set?

In terms of field locations, they have changed as the new MG interface isn't tab oriented. You can see the new locations in the field list (and adjust if necessary).
What types of fields are those? Do they have particular validation values set?

all variations of tab fields, always defined as a URL, 1 line


In MG 2.1rc2 it looks the same (checkbox is with URL), but is not clickable:


In terms of field locations, they have changed as the new MG interface isn't tab oriented.

I do not mind about the new location. I was just worried about the URL which can not be clicked on and the names of those "ex-tabs". The names are properly converted now with RC2.
Take a look at General Options / Value display HTML in your field definition

I tried all options there. But no improvement.

To be sure that it is not an upgrade issue, i also created within MG2.1rc2 a new URL-field and tried all options there.

Same behaviour. The link is not clickable.
So I've investigated this a bit more now and it did confirm what I thought, though we have just made some changes.

MG 1.x (and RM 1.x actually) were slightly inconsistent with how they treated custom fields when compared to the "core" (user) custom fields. Notably, URLs in core custom fields never got linked. The MG and RM did "body text" (structured text) rendering, which is basically what profile posts did (prior to 2.1). In 2.x, the custom field system is generic, so the MG and RM match the behavior of user custom fields, which matched the behavior of core 1.x fields: no autolinking.

In 2.1 we are making a change across all custom field types, and in most cases, text-based custom fields will now be rendered as "structured text", so URLs will be autolinked (plus things like emoji standardization). In order to prevent some potential issues (see workaround below), if you specify custom value display HTML for a field, the existing 2.0 behavior will apply (basically just censoring and HTML escaping).

The approach @Kirby was referring to was to set your field's value display HTML to <a href="{$value}">{$value}</a> which would link the output automatically. (If we did not disable the new approach in a situation like this, then this change would break an existing field.)
The approach @Kirby was referring to was to set your field's value display HTML to <a href="{$value}">{$value}</a>which would link the output automatically. (If we did not disable the new approach in a situation like this, then this change would break an existing field.)

ahhhh, ok. I then used the wrong code. I only inserted one time {$value} into that textbox.

If I put now the whole line <a href="{$value}">{$value}</a> into that textbox, it works also in my testinstall.


Maybe it would be easier for non-techies to display the whole code under the textbox (not only i.e. {$value}) , so others do not make the same mistake like me.
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