XF 2.0 remove user profile posts from spammer


Well-known member
How can i mass remove user profile posts from spam user x? I have only seen a tool for removing forum posts or conversations. Thanks.
I have added a super admin to the moderator group and gave him all moderator rights including "spam management". However on user profile pages I do not see a link "spam-ban user".
The link would just be "Spam" by default.

There is no "spam management" permission but do make sure they have the "Use the spam cleaner" permission. If this should be set for them and it isn't working, then use "Analyze permissions" under "Permissions & groups" in the Admin CP to check if there's anything overriding it.

Finally, under Setup > Options > Spam management check the "Spam cleaner user criteria" option.

Thanks, I had the user criteria not set to "0", so well-planned spammers (registering, posting and then after some time spam) could not be handled.

How can I mass remove profile posts from this user? He did post good stuff in the forums until he decided to go on a rampage and mass-post user profiles.
If you only want to selectively remove content, it would have to be selected/identified manually. You can likely use the moderation tools in search results to help this.
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