Fixed  Q&A captcha dosent work


Well-known member
Just tested it by trying to register on my forum, everytime you enter the answer it like just dissapears completely everytime.. it dosent work and wont let members join.
Using a simple Q of What is 2+2 and an answer of 4, I get the following:

Please correct the following errors:
  1. You did not complete the CAPTCHA verification properly. Please try again.
There is an omission in the captcha_question template that can cause the question to invalidate itself when filling in the form.

To correct it, edit the captcha_question template and look for this:
then replace it with this:
class="textCtrl OptOut"
There is an omission in the captcha_question template that can cause the question to invalidate itself when filling in the form.

To correct it, edit the captcha_question template and look for this:
then replace it with this:
class="textCtrl OptOut"
Thanks for the update :) One question, is it okay having 1 Q&A, or should I use multiple?
There is an omission in the captcha_question template that can cause the question to invalidate itself when filling in the form.

To correct it, edit the captcha_question template and look for this:
then replace it with this:
class="textCtrl OptOut"

Hi Kier,
that fixed it but now there is no Ajax validation for the Q&A Captcha.

Is that the new default behaviour or is it going to be fixed in B7?

Hi Kier,
that fixed it but now there is no Ajax validation for the Q&A Captcha.

Is that the new default behaviour or is it going to be fixed in B7?

That's intentional. The CAPTCHA is intended to be submitted along with the rest of the form, and can only be checked once before being invalidated. If it were checked with AJAX before the form is submitted, it would have to generate a whole new question, rendering the answer pointless.
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