I'm getting promoted to Group B. Later, this group B buys group C as a paid group.
It lives the special code permissions of group B.
Since this goes to group C, the membership of group B is stuck.
My question is how can I drop it from Group B. If it's a C that he bought, it's like leaving group B.
It lives the special code permissions of group B.
<!----3000 karakter başı--->
<article class="message-body js-selectToQuote">
<xf:ad position="post_above_content" arg-post="{$post}" />
<xf:if is="{{$xf.visitor.isMemberOf([1, 27])}}">
<xf:set var="$snippetPost" value="{{ snippet($post.message, 150) }}" />
{{ bb_code($snippetPost, 'post', $post) }}
<xf:if is="$snippetPost != $post.message">
<div class="blockMessage blockMessage--important blockMessage--iconic">
İçeriğin tamamını görüntülemek için <a href="https://www.maasmutemeti.com/forum/sayfa/altin_uyelik_premium/">Özel Üye</a> olmanız gerekmektedir.
{{ bb_code($post.message, 'post', $post) }}
<div class="js-selectToQuoteEnd"> </div>
<xf:ad position="post_below_content" arg-post="{$post}" />
<!----3000 karakter sonu--->
Since this goes to group C, the membership of group B is stuck.
My question is how can I drop it from Group B. If it's a C that he bought, it's like leaving group B.